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i was at my mom's house, eating dinner with her and nonna. they had made us some pasta and bread, and i was going ham on that shit.

it had been about two weeks since i had last seen y/n. the day after we sang for frank and scooter, we went on call with both of them, but that was the last i heard of her. speaking of, we just so happened to set the release date for the seventh of february which was only a few days away. the seventh was the day i had broken up with y/n; what a coincidence!

i sighed, placing my water glass down.

"what's wrong with you, ari? you've been all weird lately." mom asked me, her face written with worry. nonna chuckled a little. "lately? girl's been acting weird since she broke up with prince charming."

yeah, nonna dogged on me for leaving y/n almost every time i saw her. she absolutely loved y/n and she loved her so much back.

i brushed it off, shrugging my shoulders. "just have a lot going on." i said, trying to play it cool. but shit, i needed advice. "a-actually, i need to talk to you guys about something."

nonna and mom nodded at the same time, giving me their full attention.

"okay, well, i haven't really been telling everyone the truth," i sighed, leaning back in my chair. "the reason i broke up with y/n was just a shitty excuse for something bigger. i-i was feeling really guilty about something, and i felt like ending it would be so much easier then just telling her what happened. and i really, really need to tell her because i can't keep it in anymore. but i don't know how because she wants absolutely nothing to do with me. what the fuck do i do?"

they looked at me with slightly wide eyes. i gave them a small, awkward smile as i grabbed the wine from the middle of the table, taking a large sip.

"all i'm going to say is that you, my beautiful grandbaby that i love so much, need to grow some balls. you tell her you need to talk to her, and if she says no, grab her by the ear and yank it until she agrees," nonna shrugged her shoulders, sending me an innocent smile.

mom chuckled a little, reaching for my hand across the table. "if she sees you in such distress about this, i believe that she will be willing to talk to you. you can always talk to us about whatever happened, alright honey?"

i laughed a little at the difference in their advice. "thanks nonna, i sure will take that into consideration. and thank you, mom. i really hope she'll be open to talk to me, considering everything."

"ah," nonna shook her finger. "if she's a little bitch, send her to me."


arianagrande: hey alexa! i know this might be weird to ask you this, but i'm too much of a pussy to go directly to y/n. i'm ready to talk to he about everything and was wondering if you could help me set something up?

alex_walsh: hey ari and of course! i'm actually with her right now, she's in the shower. how would you like me to do this, tho? i can tell her to woman up and talk to you or something or would you like to go a different way???

arianagrande: it's whatever you think is best, honestly. i just really need to talk to her, it doesn't matter how.

alex_walsh: i've got your back. she just turned off the shower. i've got a plan, i'll get back to you later and tell you what she said. she better not be acting like a bitch, lord have mercy 🙄

arianagrande: girl 😭 but ik you got me, talk later!!

alex_walsh: she's crying cuz she stubbed her toe omg


alexa sighed as she threw down her phone, shaking her head as a half naked y/n was curled up on the floor as she held her foot. "y/n, get your ass up right now. stop being a little bitch boy."

"it hurts!" y/n yelled, throwing her head back as she rocked herself back and forth. "i'll never walk again, lexa!" she groaned as she pulled herself up on the bed, flopping down next to her.

alexa smiled, slapping y/n's back. "big baby. but enough about your little toe, i've gotta talk to you about something." y/n shot her head up, a worried look on her face. "i'm okay, babe. this isn't about me. it's about you."

y/n bit the inside of her cheek as she nodded, turning on her side to face alexa.

"now don't get all pissy like you usually do, but it's about ariana," she paused as y/n sighed deeply, pushing herself up to sit against the headboard. "see, stop that!"

alexa swung her leg over y/n's waist, positioning herself on her lap. "listen to me. do you remember when you called me that morning? and you said that she was acting weird during the whole argument, but you said it made you confused? and that the whole thing just seemed like an excuse for something bigger? you remember that?"

y/n glanced away, trying to distract herself from the memory of that night as she rubbed the skin on alexa's waist with her thumb. "i guess, yeah." she shrugged.

"well i think you were right. when you went to the bathroom that day at the studio, i had a little talk with her. and she's ready to talk about what that really was, and i know that you're ready for the answers you deserve. both of you deserve that closure, even if it doesn't end like a fairytale, that air should be cleared for the both of you.

"so, are you willing to meet up and talk?" alexa finished, her fingers playing with the hairs at the nape of y/n's neck. "w-well i don't know. it already hurt like hell just to see her, i don't know how i'd be able to sit there and just talk about it."

alexa sighed in understanding. "will you think about it at least?" y/n was quiet for a moment before she nodded slowly.


alex_walsh: i talked about it and she said she'd think about it. that usually means yes for her, so i assume she'll be texting you soon ;)

arianagrande: ugh tysm!! u literally don't have to do this for me but ty again 😭

alex_walsh: no I GOT UUU. let me know when she texts you xx

arianagrande: i will!! xx


do we want the meet up or flashback to the argument first???? 😏😏


i love youuuuu bb <33333!!!

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