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5 months later

"seriously, why do her bangs look so fucked up?"

"y/n. watch the damn movie, so help me god."

"why're we watching this anyway. this is doing the opposite of turning me on." y/n cackled, her lips clasped over the edge of her wine glass.

alexa scrunched her nose, smacking y/n's bare stomach. "you need to learn to appreciate cinematography, babe." y/n puckered her lips. "uh, this is fifty shades of grey. not sure it gets any worse than this."

this earned her another smack as alexa giggled. "it's like, hot." she shrugged, sighing when y/n pulled her further into her. "how do people find this hot! i am severely uncomfortable! like, why did they have to cgi her fucking pubic hairs in?"

alexa cackled along with y/n, trying her hardest to keep her eyes on the screen. "well i dunno! just watch the movie, please." she whispered, leaving a kiss against y/n's ear.

   y/n groaned, leaning her head against alexa's. "fine, only for you."


   it was too dark in ariana's house. too quiet.

she wrapped herself further into her blanket, toulouse quickly cuddling back up to her. ariana hummed, bringing a hand down to pat his head. "at least i still have you, buddy."

after y/n left that day, ariana broke down. she cried for hours and hours, the only thing stopping her was the morning sun rising. for the next few months she barely left her house, and the only instagram post she made was to announce her and y/n's new song.

   speaking of which, everyone went fucking crazy. twitter was having a field day, and all of the news sites were rumbling about how they were suddenly back together. neither of them said anything about it.

   about a month in, ariana had fallen into an even deeper depression. lucas had tried to help her as much as he could, but one day ariana had had enough and blew up on him.

   so that didn't work out too well.

   ariana had basically ignored everyone in her life for months, only speaking to her family if absolutely necessary. if it wasn't, she was lazily slumped around her house, wrapped in a blanket.

   ariana sighed, reaching out with her other hand to find her phone. she opened instagram and began to scroll down her feed, a picture of y/n and her new kitten catching her eye.

   she chewed on her lip, clicking on y/n's profile and scrolling through her page. ariana was on her page so often, that one time she was too into her scrolling and accidentally liked one of her posts from months ago. she just prayed she didn't notice.

   there were more pictures of her and alexa, of her friends, the new cat. on february fifth, she posted a simple picture of the sunset with no caption and the comments turned off.

   people on twitter were curious of what it meant, but no one knew what, or who, it was for. except ariana.

   every single thought that went through her mind, y/n managed to sneak her way into the cracks. if ariana was making herself dinner, she remembered when y/n would cook for her. saw a spoon, she remembered y/n literally just eating a bowl of cereal in bed.

   she groaned, shutting her phone and slamming her face into the pillow. she couldn't help it when a scream left her lips, making toulouse jump and run out of bed.

   she flipped around in bed with a huff. "forget about her, bitch. she doesn't want you anymore. she's happy. move on." she whispered, shutting her eyes and nodding to herself.

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