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the next morning

ariana groaned as the sun shone in through the blinds on the window, shoving her face deeper into the neck of whoever she was laying on top of. her head pounded to the point of no return, and she was just hoping that whoever this was had some advil handy.

she craned her neck, keeping her eyes closed as she ran her hand down the persons chest, sliding her hand under their t-shirt. her fingertips glided against their hipbone, the skin raising when she hit a small scar just on the bone.

ariana instantly recognized the scar, her eyes snapping open as she looked up at the unknown person.

"oh...my god," she whispered. she looked down, finding herself in just her underwear. "oh my god!" she whisper yelled, her heart pounding against her chest. y/n was still fully clothed, and ariana had to remind herself who y/n was.

ariana knew that she was drunker than drunk last night, and y/n was completely sober. but she also knew that y/n was never one to take advantage of someone that didn't have the capability to consent to sex.

as she should.

ariana sighed, relaxing back into y/n's body as she continued to massage the small scar. y/n hummed quietly in her sleep, making ariana smile. she looked up at her again, her heart fluttering as y/n's eyebrows furrowed together, her lips pulled into a small pout.

"i miss you."

ariana suddenly remembered everything she had said to y/n last night. down to the call she made where she was drunk out of her mind, admitting that she missed being with y/n. down to her taking a photo of her and nearly posting it, calling y/n daddy and remembering the look on her face afterwards. down to her asking y/n to lay with her because she was afraid, and she remembered telling y/n, in her most sober state of mind last night, that she missed her.

and to her utmost surprise, y/n said she missed her too.

the thought made a smile pull at her lips again, her cheeks fluffing up as they burned red. she pushed herself closer, her lips brushing against y/n's collarbone as she closed her eyes briefly.

   she let her hand reach back up, pushing y/n's hair back from her face as she pulled herself up, propping herself on her elbow. she traced the features of her face with the tip of her nail, giggling as her nose twitched a little.

y/n hummed again, pulling her arms closer to ariana as she rolled them over, laying her head on ariana's chest. ariana squeaked in surprise but settled into the pillow, her hand finding y/n's scalp as she began to massage it.


ariana was still up an hour later, one hand massaging her scalp and the other running down her back. y/n pushed herself closer by the minute; it seemed like no matter how close they were it wasn't enough for her.

ariana looked down as y/n groaned, one hand lifting to rub her eyes. she yawned loudly before settling back down. "good morning," ariana whispered, deciding to speak up.

y/n jumped back, her eyes wide as she stared at ariana's face. ariana giggled, "jeez, am i that ugly?"

   y/n slowly shook her head as she licked her lips, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "no, actually, far from it." she spoke, her voice more raspy than usual due to her just waking up.  "just uh, forgot you were here. sorry."

   ariana smiled, "no worries. i kinda did the same when i woke up." they both chuckled a little before it died out, their gaze falling on each other.

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