twenty two

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  "y/n!" ariana whined as she pounded on y/n's front door. "let me in you ass, i've been out here for like five minutes!"

ariana shielded her eyes as she glanced behind her, groaning as she saw a few men with camera's standing at the street and snapping pictures of her.

she turned back around to the door. "dammit y/n! there's creepy men taking pictures of me!" she knew that the men at the street couldn't hear her, so ariana wasn't worried.

ariana raised her hand to the door again, but the door opened and her hand fell. ariana smiled widely as she stared up at who had opened the door, but it quickly dropped as she realized it wasn't y/n.

instead, it was y/n's best friend that ariana had run into a few months ago, miles.

miles smiled down at her, his skin shining in the sun. "oh shit, hey! you're here for y/n?" he didn't even give her time to answer before he stepped back to let her in. "come in, come in."

ariana gripped her box of donuts as she entered y/n's house, taking in the place. she had never been here before in their near year of friendship and month of...whatever they were. ariana liked it though because it screamed y/n everywhere.

miles shut the door after giving the men his finger, a mug on his face. his wide smile returned as he looked to ariana. "carter's in the back if you wanna go see her." he pointed to the back of the home.

ariana nodded, smiling at miles. "thanks. uh, where are you gonna go?" she asked, eyebrows furrowed. miles shrugged, "oh imma leave. y/n kicked me out when you said you were coming over."

ariana giggled, "oh okay. it's nice to properly meet you, miles." she held out her free hand to him, trying to balance the donuts in her other. miles took it with a smile before he scared ariana when his face turned serious.

miles pointed at ariana with his free hand. "by the way, y/n really likes you. and if i find out you broke her heart, i will beat your ass. we good?"

ariana went wide eyed and she furiously nodded. "of course. i don't plan to do anything to break her heart, anyway." miles smiled again as her dropped her hand. "i knew you'd say that. anyway, bye!"

miles turned around and opened the door, walking out of the home. he popped his head back in as he closed the door slowly. "tell y/n i told her to use condoms. i don't need godchildren yet, i'm too young."

ariana blushed as miles left for good, his statement ringing in her head.

she and y/n hadn't even done anything slightly intimate since they started "dating," or whatever you want to call it. all they had done was kiss; and not in like makeout way; like a peck and you're done way.

ariana craved for more, but she still wanted to go slow with y/n, and she knew that y/n felt the same. they both got out of very serious relationships only a while back, and jumping into something so quickly again might not be a good idea.

ariana sighed as she looked into the home, not knowing where to go as miles just said "back of the house."

"uh, y/n?" ariana yelled out into the home. "where are you?" she waited in silence for y/n's callback.

"i'm in here!" y/n yelled back after a short minute, making ariana smile just at the sound of her voice. she followed where the woman's voice came from, pushing open the slightly cracked door with her foot.

   ariana smiled wildly as she watched y/n set down her guitar into its case. she placed the donuts down on the small coffee table that was in the middle of the room before walking over to y/n who sat at the couch.

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