twenty eight

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ariana's point of view

   i trailed behind y/n as we walked in miles' parents home in louisiana. the funeral had ended about two hours ago and we were just getting here since we had all went to dinner.

   y/n still hadn't spoken a single word to anyone which earned her pity stares which i knew she hated. the only form of contact she had made with me was when we were at dinner and her foot accidentally nudged mine, and instead of moving it she kept our feet flush together.

   it wasn't much, but it was progress.

   the five of us; myself, miles, y/n, and miles' mom and dad-walked through the door of the home. y/n immediately walked to the kitchen and i decided not to follow her as the rest of us sat down in the living room.

   it was only a few seconds before y/n came trudging into the room, a glass and a bottle of liquor in either of her hands. i frowned to myself and almost went up to her and took it, but i didn't.

   i heard miles take in a shaky breath as y/n opened the bottle and poured it into her glass. "carter...come on, man. you don't need that." he spoke softly, slowly standing from his chair.

   y/n looked back at him with sharp and red eyes. "shut up. you don't know what the fuck i need," she snapped, making miles sit back down with a sigh. i, on the other hand, practically jumped in my seat. i had never heard her speak to someone-that isn't the paparazzi-like that.

   she slammed herself down into a chair and threw her head back, downing everything she had in the glass. she poured herself another, and then another, and as she poured her forth glass i knew she had enough.

   i stood up from my seat and snatched both the bottle and her glass in one swift movement. y/n looked up at me with her jaw clenched and her eyes filled with annoyance. i didn't let it affect me as i stared back down at her. "go upstairs right now and sleep this off. i know i never met her, but she'd hate to see you like this. now go."

   it seemed like i had given her a reality check because as soon as i finished, her eyes softened and her face relaxed. she rubbed both of her hands roughly over her face before standing up on wobbly legs, and we all watched as she climbed the stairs.

   the bedroom door shut, and all four of us let out a sigh of relief. i placed down the glass and bottle back on the side table, not knowing what to do with it. "i'm gonna go check on her," i whispered before leaving the room and going upstairs.

   i entered the bedroom we shared slowly, not wanting to startle her. i closed the door behind me gently as my eyes caught her sitting at the
edge of the bed, changed out of her suit from earlier.   

   i sighed as i walked over to my suitcase and began to change. after i finished, i folded my dress and cardigan and placed them back into the suitcase. walking over to the bed, i noticed that y/n had moved up so she was laying in the place she did last night.

   i laid down next to her, but still a good distance away so i didn't make her uncomfortable. we laid there for fifteen minutes before i sighed, rolling over to turn off the lamp on the bedside. i kept my back turned to y/n and closed my eyes.

   the bed dipped behind me, and suddenly y/n's arm was wrapped around my waist. she slightly leaned over me as she dug her face into my neck, inhaling my perfume that she loved. i cracked my eyes open as she pressed her lips to my shoulder.

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