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it had been about a month since the charity event, and y/n and i both finally had a day off together. y/n was still pushing herself with the album, but after our talk a few months ago, she had taken it much easier on herself.

i was in the kitchen making lunch and y/n was relaxing in the living room. i stirred the vegetables in the pan as the sound of the mail truck rang through my ears.

"babe, mails here!" i called out for her, hoping she could get up for a few seconds and fetch the mail.

"i got it!" she replied back from the living room. the door opening and shutting was the next thing i heard, and i moved on to boiling the noodles for the pasta. y/n's kitchen was a lot more filled than mine was, so i was honestly able to cook anything i wanted here.

the door opened and closed a few minutes after and y/n began shuffling through her mail. i glanced over at her and watched as the blood drained from her face.

"jesus christ. does this man not know how to leave me the fuck alone?" she mumbled, sitting down on the couch with a huff. there was an envelope in her hand and she gently ripped it open, pulling out a lined piece of paper.

i clicked off the burners with furrowed eyebrows as i walked into the living room, laying my hands on her shoulders from behind the couch.

y/n sighed, rolling her head back as i gently massaged her shoulders and neck. "will you read it for me please?" she asked, holding up the folded paper.

   i hummed and plucked it from her fingers, walking from behind the couch and taking a seat at the single chair across from her. i unfolded the paper and glanced at her before starting to read it.

   "jaybird, i understand now that you don't want to speak to me, but i wanted to use this letter to apologize. i never should've laid my hands on you or your mother. i know it isn't an excuse, but i was drinking a lot, and we both know how i get when i drink. it may not have seemed like it, but i do love you and your mother more than anything.

   "i would love it if you'd be willing to meet up with me so we can chat in person, but if you deny this request, i will leave you be. and i just want to say that i'm so proud of you."

   i looked up at y/n over the edge of the paper and watched as she wiped her eyes. she waved her hand as she sniffed heavily. "i-i don't wanna hear any more."

i nodded slowly and let her have a moment to herself as i looked back down at the paper. i scanned the rest of the words on the page, rolling my eyes at some of the pitiful excuses her dad made.

at the very bottom of the page there was something that caught my eye. my eyes widened as i read it over, looking back at y/n who was busy mumbling under her breath. i stood from the chair and made my way to the couch, taking a seat next to her.

"babe, you alright?" i asked softly, rubbing the back of her neck with my thumb. y/n nodded and relaxed her shoulders. "i know you said you didn't want to hear anymore, but he said he found your mom."

y/n's head snapped up and she looked over at me with urgency written on her face. she basically snatched the paper out of my hand but i didn't mind. she had been talking about trying to find her mom for a little over a month now, so i couldn't imagine how excited she was now.

"holy fucking shit," she muttered to herself as she pulled out her phone.

i had noticed that the location her father had written down was a rehab center that was downtown. if y/n's mom actually was there, she had only been forty minutes away for god knows how long.

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