A Few Friendly Faces

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May 1813

     The seasons opening ball at Danbury House is a most high key sought-after invitation indeed for every darling debutante from Park Lane to Regent Street will be on display. Titled, chaste, and innocent, this is what they have been raised and trained for since birth. Tonight, we shall discover which young ladies might succeed at securing a match. Thereby avoiding the dreadful dismal condition known as "the spinster"


     "You look beautiful my dear" Marquess Sheppard told his daughter, gently grabbing her hand to help her down the stairs. Elizabeth wore a beautiful champagne-colored dress with fancy beading and lace at the hem. Her hair was up in a tightly braided bun with a tiara on top of her head.

     "Papa before we start I must ask is there any Lord, in particular, you would like me to know?" She spoke softly "No darling it is your choice" He relied leaving a small kiss on her forehead 

    "Shouldn't we find Lady Danbury I must congratulate her on such an event" It was true, the Danbury ball was a tradition for the elite. The large ballroom was lit by intricate chandeliers and the cream color walls bounced the ton's conversations. Light classical music filled the air and dancing was the main focus of the room. 

    "Indeed, but I must take your brother to meet a few colleges of mine" The Marquess looked back as Elliot groaned under her breath, pulling at his collar,

    "Edward, might you escort your sister around?"  

    "Of course" Edward gave their father a gentle smile, now taking his sister's side.

    "Good, come along" The marquess patted Elliot's back as they disappeared into the crowd "My bet on him not making it past midnight" Elizabeth smirked as she watched her brother begrudgingly drag his feet across the room,

    "I say 10"  The two youngest Sheppard's laughed under their breaths, Edward's brown eyes flickered around the room even at only age six and ten the younger Sheppard seemed to love these events, only for the gossip "It seems you thrive here brother" Elizabeth looked at him with a smirk "I thrive anywhere conversation in brewing" His eyes still danced around the room

     "Ah look there she is!" Edward pointed over to Lady Danbury who was currently talking to a few older women. The pair made their way over,

     "Lady Danbury!" Elizabeth smiled brightly as she came upon her old friend, she was family actually her mother's aunt through marriage but nonetheless family. She had helped the Marquess in teaching all of his children the ways of society, a lesson that they used every day. She was a widow with masses of wealth and she tended to flaunt it with immaculate outfits and glorious parties. Tonight was not an exception as she wore a large diamond necklace, complementing the tall crown that sat upon her head and his light violet gown that sparkled. 

    "Oh, my dear Lizzie how are you!" The poised woman kissed her cheek, "Oh Edward look at you my boy, just like your father" She patted his cheek as he dropped his sister's arm,

     "You flatter me too much" He softly laughed, pushing back his dark brown hair that fell in front of his eyes.

     "And where are your father and brother?" She noted, half expecting to look behind the pair to see the Marquess and his heir 

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