A Pleasant Goodbye

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             "Do you think she'll approve?" Elizabeth nervously questioned as she tried to focus on her painting. The Sheppard family had decided to venture out of their home today, relaxing at Hyde Park together.

        "You know Lady Danbury can get anything she wants" Elliot chuckled, taking a bite out of his apple as he kicked back on the large blanket.

       "I know, but it is the queen" Elizabeth bit her lip, becoming frustrated with her piece as she tried to mix the right color on her palette.

       "Lizzie you worry too much about everyone else" Edward sighed, kicked his feet back as he began rereading the tales of Shakespeare. The eldest turned, confused and frustrated at her brother's words as she looked at her father who sat relaxed for the first time in a long time.

      "He's not wrong sweetheart" He tilted his head back, a small smirk on his lips as he felt the cool breeze, and closed his eyes "Daphne will be fine, Simon will be fine, and their license will be approved" He added, letting out a long sigh and placing his hands on his stomach. She groaned, putting down her palette and stepping back

    "Well, I worry because I care" She wiped some of the vibrant greens from her palms, flickering her gaze from the canvas to the landscape.

       "We aren't saying that" Elliot paused, sitting upon his elbows "We're just saying you care too much sometimes" He pushed a curled lock out of his face.

      "It's like you take everyone's problems as your own" Edward chimed causing her brows to furrow. The Marquess' silence only showed his agreement, making the situation worse as she turned around.

       "What do you mean?" She asked, placing a hand on her hip, the two brothers exchanged glances before shrugging "Edward Michael-" She began but the youngest quickly cut her off

  "The duel wasn't about you!" He raised his voice slightly, just to catch the family and servants' attention "It was a matter between a Viscount and a Duke, not Anthony and Simon. Yet you insist that you intervene, injuring yourself in the process" He slammed his book shut and tossed it next to Elliot on the ground "I know you, I've known you my whole life, and yet; I still can't wrap my head around you sometimes" He stood up straight.

       "You're the only person that still manages to surprise me in this bloody world" He took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves "So please, for once in your life, relax and worry about yourself before you give us all another heart attack" He motioned to his chair, tapping his foot in an impatient way. Elizabeth stood reluctantly as the youngest swiftly grabbed her arms and plopped her into the cushioned chair "Stay" He ordered, waving his finger in her face as he lay next to Elliot with a sly smirk on his face

    "Maybe she needs to see Benedict again" he teased, watching her face turn red as he clicked his tongue against his teeth "You are....calmer when you are with him" Elliot added as he opened his book again and buried himself in it.

       "Oh, would everyone just hush for once I'm trying to relax!" She shouted finally silencing her brothers as she leaned back into the comfortable seat, admiring the beautiful day around them and trying to focus on the one thing that always calmed her. Benedict.

    The Eldest Sheppard had just awoken from his short nap, stretching slightly as he tossed his messy hair out of his face,

      "Is that?" Elliot sat completely up, buttoning his vest up as he narrowed his eyes towards the silhouette making his way towards the tent. "Is that the Prince?" He tilted his head, his words caused Elizabeth and her father to sit up quickly. The Marquess' eyes widened as he noticed Elliot was right. It was the Prince of Prussia adorned with all his metals and light blue suits, and he was taking a walk in the park, a walk that steered right towards the Sheppards.

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