A Masterpiece

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I have always thought that an appreciation of the arts is what lifts us beyond mere animals. It stirs the passions and moves the spirit, and, this author hopes, inspires more newsworthy pursuits. A new wing at Somerset House is to be opened today, where several attractions will be on display...Like the lovely Marina Thompson, newly recovered from her mysterious illness and expected to finally rejoin the season.

       Elizabeth stood in the halls of Somerset with wide eyes. Her father and Brothers had found themselves preoccupied so Lady Danbury offered to escort her around. She didn't worry about suitors, about the eyes surrounding her, or the prince whom had seemed to have created a small friendship with, she cared about the masterpieces ahead.

      "Lord Granville" Lady Danbury met up with the renowned artist,

      "Lady Danbury" The older gentleman smirked and politely bowed his head.

      "Allow me to introduce Miss Sheppard, she has quite a taste for art" Elizabeth smirked and giggled.

      "You flatter me" She tapped her arm, "What media do you prefer?" Granville asked which surprised her, no other man except for Benedict took care of her interests.

      "I typically agree with Watercolors and charcoal, but someone has piqued my interest in oil paintings" Granville nodded,

      "Sounds like quite the talent"

      "I owe it all to a dear friend of mine" She blushed.

      "Speaking of which there he is over there" Lady Danbury pointed over to Benedict Bridgerton who was standing in front of a large painting, intensely analyzing every detail. Elizabeth could not help but admit he looked rather handsome when he focused; just like when he was drawing or painting. Elizabeth led Lady Danbury and Lord Granville over to her friend

  "It's much too cold" Benedict commented as he turned his head, only noticing her "Really?" She peered into the painting, stepping a little closer as he continued.

       "Where's any sense of the subject's spirit?" Elizabeth squinted her eyes a little "And the light! Given the quality I do wonder why the piece was not skyed with the other daubs" Elizabeth giggled a little at Benedict's remarks, he sounded so refined almost like her father. 

     "Perhaps we should ask the artist" Lady Danbury stepped forward, interrupting the pair,

      "You know what that would be something Lady Danbury" Benedict nodded as Lady Danbury's smirk widened.

      "Mm...Mr. Granville" Benedict's eyes widened as Lady Danbury turned to the man just a few inches away, "Why was your piece not skyed?"

      "Hmm," The older man debated and Benedict began to panic,

      "Mr. Granville, I--" 

     "If you will excuse me, I must find my wife," He said before quickly rushing away leaving Benedict in awe. Lady Danbury and Elizabeth chuckled.

    "You are diabolical" He looked at Lady Danbury, "And you! You fiend" Elizabeth scrunched her nose and swayed on her heels, "How could you two let me rattle on like that?" 

      "How could we not, my dear Mr. Bridgerton?" Lady Danbury smirked. 

     "It was riotously funny, you must admit plus I quite like this analytical side to you" Elizabeth added. 

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