Everything's Ruined

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    Elliot had dragged her to another boxing match, well more like she begged to tag along with him, fascinated with the commotion of the rowdy room. It was a secret the twins shared, their father and little brother never knew of the small escapades they had taken to this ring. It was the pure adrenaline, the shouting, and the excitement that rippled through the air that made her feel alive, and she loved it. 

    "We never speak of this" Elliot groaned as they walked arm in arm, 

    "I wished to be entertained just as you brother, why would I snitch? My entire monthly allowance is dependant on this fight" She laughed "Now go, find the boys I will join you in a minute" She furrowed her brows looking at the board and thinking about her odds 

    "I would never think a lady such as yourself would gamble" A familiar voice with a thick accent spoke from behind her.

     "Your Majesty" Elizabeth smirked as he took her hand and kissed the top of it

    "So I asked again, why is a lady such as yourself gambling?" Elizabeth shrugged,

     "I need to find another hobby other than painting, it just so happened my brother likes attending these matches frequently, matches I always seem to win" She gave him a smug smirk as he smiled, chuckling a bit as he looked to the coins in her hand 

    "You should bet on Gillespie, he's my man all the way from Prussia" The prince spoke proudly, Elizabeth looked at the man in the corner of the ring. He was well built and seemed intimidating, but there was a gut feeling that tipped her off from the fighter, she believed in Simon and Mondrich more 

    "I do not think he will suffice, after all this is the English ring" The prince stepped forward closer to her with a curious brow raised.

     "Are you saying the Prussian rings are anything less than what they are here?" He teased,

     "I am saying he is in uncharted waters, unable to detect where the sharks are" She replied in a sly manner,

     "That is very intuitive, yet you still underestimate him" He leaned back on his heels, digging in his pocket and throwing a coin into the collector's hand. "A Pound on Gillespie," He asked, receiving his pay ticket. She excitingly dropped some coin into the collector's hands and placed her bet for the winner.

    "Five pounds on Mondrich" She bit back, The prince and colletor's eyes widened as they looked at her in shock.

     "My Aunt was right Miss Sheppard, you truly are unique" He laughed, placing a hand on his stomach.

     "Call me Elizabeth, or Lizzie if you wish. That's what everyone calls me outside of the fancy balls and parties" The Prince nodded, now spotting Daphne.

     "Well then Elizabeth, I wish you luck" He lowered his head in respect,

     "I won't need it" The Prince laughed again, this time loudly as he looked to her with admiration.

      "You are quite the firecracker Lizzie" She nodded proudly,

     "People have told me"

    "Tell us Mr. Mondrich is it true you have been training with the Duke?" Lord Featherington asked the shirtless man,

     "Now, now let us not exaggerate my mere role, I am simply a pupil. Target practice at best" Simon joked.

     "If you are such a good target perhaps we should fence more" Elliot interrupted,

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