Going to the Chapel...

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       "Your Jacket has a wrinkle" Elizabeth noted as she flattened out her father's Forrest green jacket, then adjusted his champagne tie. The Sheppard boys only wore their signature color for special events, and today was indeed special, today was the wedding of the Duke and Daphne Bridgerton. After getting their license approved the wedding preparations were swift and neatly pulled together, rather quickly that even Elizabeth did not know what to expect for her good friend's wedding. She wore a satin mint dress with cream-colored accents and white lilies tucked into her hair. The Sheppards sat on the Duke's side, supporting Simon as they always did with Lady Danbury and The Mondrichs. The Bridgertons filed into the three first rows of the small chapel, the boys wearing different shades of blue while the girls wore pale pink gowns.

        "It is so quaint it is not?" Benedict interrupted her as she admired the beautiful architecture 

      "It is; but I quite like it" She gave him a smile as she admired the white flowers that adorned the aisles, "I could only wish for my wedding to be so calm and serene, but I fear my brothers will have me running around like a tyrant" She left out a breathy laugh, Benedict did too as he saw the Marquess looking at the pair as they conversed. He froze slightly, only to earn a small nod from the gentleman as he made his way towards The Duke who was in conversation with Mr. Mondrich.

       "I bet she is nervous" Elizabeth finally locked her gaze on his,

      "I would be concerned if she wasn't" He gave her a tiny smirk, looking down at her beauty and licking his lips slightly. "You look beautiful today" He spoke bluntly, nerves rattling his voice as he watched the blush creep onto her cheeks "I mean you look beautiful every day, but today...you are exceptional" She looked up through her thick eyelashes, her lips curling at the ends and her nose scrunching.

       "Thank you," She said softly under her breath, fiddling with her hands as butterflies rose in her stomach. How she wished she could kiss him, run her hands through his soft hair, and to wrap her arms around his broad shoulders. But today was not the day, their time would soon come but for now, it was Daphne and Simon's turn.

       "Lizabeth" Simon called from the front of the room just as everyone was trailing into their seats.

      "I'll see you later Benedict" Elizabeth smiled as she turned to the Duke, quickly making her way towards him.

       "I want to let you know that I will take care of her" His face was cold but his voice was filled with emotion "I will take care of her to the best of my abilities, I will not see myself become my father I won't I swear-"

      "I know Simon" She took his hand and squeezed it "I am sorry for every insinuating you were, you couldn't be. You have too big a heart to become such a monster" The Duke's lip turned upward slightly "I have known you almost my entire life, and even though we are not bound by blood you are my brother. Nothing can and will ever change that" She turned to see Her father had taken a seat next to Lady Danbury, her brothers behind them and then the Mondrich's "And everyone here shares the same love in their hearts for you as I do" She gave him a wide smile "So enjoy today Simon, enjoy your life because I couldn't have found a more loving, kind, and beautiful bride. Your new Duchess"

        Daphne Bridgerton, the diamond of the season had never dazzled so brightly as she did when she walked down the aisle on Anthony's arm. Her smile was broad as the soft piano fortes' soft tune rang through the halls. Everyone admired the girl's beauty in her silk white dress with jewels scattered along the bust to match her large tiara. She seemed angelic, perfect in every way, and Elizabeth couldn't help but grin from ear to ear to see how pleasant her friend looked today. Benedict put on a smile, fiddling anxiously with the ring in his pocket as he watched his little sister walk down the aisle. But he couldn't help but imagine how his wedding would be, how perfect it would be for Her. 

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