A New Season

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    The collective Bridgerton family was bickering outside of Eloise's doors, anxiously waiting for the young girl to step outside. It was her debut today, both a nerve-racking and exciting time in most young ladies' eyes but for Elizabeth, she knew Eloise would be pacing with anxiety. 

      "Shhh! Let her come out on her own!" Violet ordered her children,

       "Is this the plan?" Daphne spoke up behind the group.

        "Oh good god Daph save me" Elizabeth groaned as she signaled to the large group of in-laws that stood in front of the door.

       "Daphne thank goddess you're here" Violet smiled, letting in a small breath.

       "She has requested time" Anthony groaned,

        "We do not have time. Step back" Daphne ordered her eldest brother. Elizabeth nudged Benedict forcing her husband to stop Daphne before she threw the door open.

        "No offense sister, but you are the last person she would like to see" Daphne rolled her eyes, 

     "What is that supposed to mean?" She pressed her lips in a thin line.

      "Are we sure she's even in there?" Hyacinth raised a brow, earning an eye roll from Francesca, "Of course she is. Where else would she be?"

        "Climbed through the window?" Benedict smirked, looking at Elizabeth with amusement "Perhaps even the chimney.

        "Hush!" Elizabeth pinched his side,

        "Quiet! She may hear you" Violet reprimanded as her second eldest grinned.

       "You do all realize I left my husband and child at home for this" Daphne huffed with an annoyed tone.

         "I'm in a corset and standing!" Elizabeth retaliated, placing a hand on her swollen stomach and another on her aching back. 

        "I told you we could have stayed at home" Benedict hurried a supportive hand on her back. 

        "No I promised I'd support Eloise" She sighed, feeling a small movement in her abdomen which caused her face to light up. She had first noticed the signs of pregnancy two months after their honeymoon ended. Benedict had never smiled so much, every morning he'd lay his head on top of her stomach, fluttering small kisses across it as it grew. The Bridgerton and Sheppard clans were ecstatic, especially Daphne as she had just given birth to her son, August two weeks prior. The doctors had estimated her a month along but now in the late spring, Elizabeth was only a month and a half away from delivery, a quickly approaching date in the couple's eyes. But Elizabeth was blessed so far, only feeling small waves of nausea and occasional aching joints if she stood for too long or slept wrong.

      "I told everyone this would happen, now we're late for the queen" Antony scoffed,

        "Shh!" Francesca cut him off "I hear something" She leaned closer to the door, the brunette's actions mimicked by the rest of the family as a muffled chatter could be heard behind the door. The Viscount groaned, now impatient as he reached for the door handle "Anthony" Violet spoke up, stopping at the door came swinging open and three maids rushed out. Then Eloise emerged, a scrunched up look on her face as she uncomfortably stood in front of her family; her attire elegant and dazzling, the exact opposite of the young girl's traditional attire.

        "If one of you utters a single word..." Her nostrils flared as she tried to remain calm pushing her skirt back "Let us get this over with" she sighed, rushing out of the room. "Come with me Lizzie" She paused, loosening her tight face and holding out an arm for her. Elizabeth smirked, gladfully taking Eloise's gesture and swiftly filing down the hallway.

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