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I grab all the napkins from all the place-settings and try to dry myself off, while leaving one to put on my lap so no one can see the water stain if I can't get it to dry enough. The second I put the napkin on my lap and relax my posture, Daichi comes walking in with a stressed look on his face. He sits down across from me at the table and seems to have noticed my anxiety. "What's wrong, Suga?" "Oh, it's nothing." after a few beats of silence, he pipes up again. "So.. did you order yet?" I look down at the table and see that my food is gone. "I did.. But the waiter took it away." "Why would he do that?!" He looks alarmed. "Oh I think he said He made a mistake or something.. I'm not sure." "Oh, um okay then.. What did you get?" "I got the Kake soba with extra soy sauce." "Nice that sounds good! I think i'll get that too."

"So how did dropping off Kuriko go?" I ask, trying to start up a conversation again. "Oh, it went fine. I made the wrong turn at one point and ended up in a dead end, but we figured it out, and I got her home on time luckily. From what she told me, her mom could've literally killed her if she didn't. Though she might've been exaggerating." "Do you know why she was so panicked?" "Oh apparently her grandpa had a heart-attack and so they needed to get to the hospital, but they needed her home to watch her little sister." "That makes sense. Do you know if he's okay?" "She got a call from her dad about halfway into the drive and he's going to need a CABG. (A coronary artery bypass graft) "Oh my Asahi! Is he going to be okay?" "They said he should be fine..hey, you still say that?" "Yeah.. Noya and Tanaka made it a thing. They don't really say it outloud around him or you, since you got so mad, and after awhile it made Asahi uncomfortable, but everyone still says it." He laughs. "You know, I still say it too. I just can't get it out of my head, to be honest." Then I remembered Kiyoshi. I stood up suddenly and said "I'm going to go get Kiyoshi!" "Wait-where is he?" Daichi asks. "Oh, he's in the bathroom, but it's been like 30 minutes and I need to go find him." "Okay, hurry back."


(Daichi's POV)

Once Suga disappears around the corner, I look at the menu so I can order when they come back. A few minutes later, the waiter from earlier comes by and asks 'my boyfriend' is and I clarify that he isn't my boyfriend, that he went somewhere and that it's none of his business. He puts his hands up in surrender and says, "Arlight, alright, no need to get all aggressive I was just wondering since I saw him all alone at the table earlier and now you are too. I just wanted to know what was going on. "Thank you for the concern," -I look at his name tag- "Akutō. But I am fine. I would also like to order, if that's alright with you." He whips out his notepad and pen and gets ready to write. "Alright so, I'd like to have the Kake Soba with extra soy sauce." He pauses. "Funny, that's exactly what your boyfriend ordered." "You don't say." I roll my eyes. "Or, i'm sorry I guess you two aren't together, huh? I mean you did just tell me, and oh, silly me I forgot," He pauses while pretending to flip over the page in his notebook. "He kissed me." My stomach drops to my feet. Noticing my reaction, he switches to his 'friendly waiter voice' "Thank you, sir. I'll have that made for you right away." and smiles as he makes his way to the kitchen.

He kissed the waiter?? Why would he do that? He's obviously such a douche.. And I can tell, he's not Suga's type, anyways. But what am I worried about? I shouldn't be jealous. He's not my boyfriend, so it's none of my business. If he likes Akutō, then I should be happy for him.. Right? I can't help it, I really hate him. Calm down, he's just trying to get a rise out of you.

Soon enough, Suga comes around the corner, holding Kiyoshi by the ear. "What's going on?" I chuckle. "He's been hiding in there and he won't tell me why!" they both sit down, and Suga folds his arms angrily.

"Daichi, pick a number 1-4." Kiyoshi says from the backseat. "Okay.. um 2." I say, confused. "Why?" "To pick what song we listen to. Now pick a number 1-7." "6." "Alright, we now have a playlist to listen to, and which song to start on. Can I have the Aux please?" "Oh, uh yeah sure." I hand him the aux cord. (I just Had to put one of her songs in here lol) While i'm not paying attention, Suga shouts "Oh! Yes, I like this song!"

'I spend all my days

Trying to forget her face

She's so hard to erase

I don't think she can ever be replaced'

Suga starts singing along with the song with his angelic voice.

'She stole my heart and ran away,

Left me with some things to say,

I don't understand

She stole my heart and ran away,

Left me with some things to say,

I don't understand

I spend all my days

Thinking of her embrace

The way it slowly changed

Some things will never fade

She stole my heart and ran away,

Left me with some things to say,

I don't understand

She stole my heart and ran away,

Left me with some things to say,

I don't understand'

Then the next song comes on, by the same artist, I think. Suga sings this one, too.

'I've been hiding for so long, but these feelings they're not gone

Afraid of what they'll say

So i push them away

I'm acting so strange-'

The longer I hear these songs, the more I start to identify with them. When we come to a red light, Suga looks over to me. His eyes sparkle with the red, green, and yellow street lamps and traffic lights. Golden flecks reflect in his eyes like glittery honey-colored-resin. He gives me a soft, almost starstruck smile. I can hear my face heating up, so I look away, at Kiyoshi who's giving me this smug, 'what's going on? And most importantly, what're you gonna do about it?' shit-eating grin. Then the light turns green and we're off. 

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