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The sun slowly starts to rise, in anticipation for the morning. My back and neck are aching from being hunched over my art supplies for so many hours. Right now, it is currently about.. 6 IN THE MORNING!

I run up the stairs, take an extremely quick shower, (you've gotta take care of the ahoge) and put on my uniform. "I'm gonna be so late!" I grab my bag, yell, "Goodbye!" to my parents and my brother, and run out the door.

I see the stop sign at the end of the street approaching fast, but suddenly, a jab of pain hits the very middle of the bottom of my foot. Blood is starting to bleed into my white socks..

I forgot to put on my shoes.

Maybe.. I can just borrow some of Daichi's? No, it's a very long walk, and plus the city is so dirty. I could limp home, but then I'd be even more late, and my parents would get mad at me for missing my bus. Plus, I don't even think that they have the time to drive me anyways. I'm so tired, I can't even think straight!..or cohesively anyways. I don't really think it's possible for me to- anygays, I need to find some kind of solution soon. Just then I see a little yellow car speed past with someone yelling "Dammit, dammit, dammit!" at the top of their lungs. Oh, I guess coach Ukai is late today too. Oh! Coach Ukai!

I start to run as fast as I can with my limp and yell, "COACH UKAI!" until he finally stops and I can catch up to him. "..Sugawara?" "Yes," I manage to breathe out exasperatedly. "What's going on?" "I-need a-ride-" "Hasn't class started already?" "Duh, that's why I need a ride!" "Here, I'll put some things in the trunk so I can fit you in." Oh, I didn't even notice Takeda's here. He gets out of the car and puts various laundry baskets and paper bags into the trunk. "Alright, get in, we've got to get to school. Hurry up!"


(Daichi's POV)

As I walk into the classroom, I see everything as normal. The sun shining through the windows, people all talking to each other, the teacher always looking slightly miffed for no reason at all, until then I see Suga's chair is yet to be filled. I guess he's just running late today.

The teacher begins class shortly, and everyone quiets down. "So today we're just gonna review.." blah blah blah. Whatever. My mind drifts off to something else in self preservation. I wonder what happened to Suga. He might've slept in late again.. But he would've texted me. Though, I can't really expect people to act exactly the same as they always do all the time, that'd be boring.

About 15 minutes goes by before anything really happens. Foot stomps echo through the hallways followed by a sweaty and exasperated Suga poking his head through the door, and then backing back out. He comes in the room a few seconds later more composed and his hair isn't as wind-blown. "Do you have a pass?" the teacher asks, annoyedly. Coach Ukai and Takeda Sensei walk into the room as Suga replies with "yes," "fine, go sit down." and so he does. I rip out a sheet of paper from my notebook and write, "What happened?" he writes back, "I was late and Ukai picked me up." Why would they even cross paths? That makes like zero sense. "Ok"

Today at practice, we split our team into two and played a little practice match. Team one was Suga, Yamaguchi, Hinata, Tanaka, Kinnoshita and I. we separated Hinata and Kageyama because we wanted to see how they would do against each other in case we ever encountered someone like either of them. Team two was Tsukkishima, Ennoshita, Noya, Asahi, Narita, and Kageyama.

It's our side's serve first and our first in rotation for that is Yamaguchi. He does his beautiful jump-float serve, earning our side an ace. "Good job yams!" Suga gives him a high-five. He serves again, but this time, Noya picks this one up. "Ennoshita!" Kageyama yells. He sets it to the middle of the net, and I guess Ennoshita wasn't expecting the ball to hit his hand as he was up there like with Hinata, but it did, and he didn't hit it very hard. Ennoshita landed on the ground and looked at Kageyama guiltily. Kageyama's ears went a little red with embarrassment. "My bad!" he says, a little too loud, as if they were across the gym, and not right next to each other. Ennoshita winces. "Sorry," Kageyama says, quieter this time.

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