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!Tw: this chapter has some.. foul language and very.. heavy topics!


(Suga's POV.. again lol)

Cicadas buzz in the trees, joined by a chorus of chirping crickets.

"Oh- no, don't go in there!" and of course, they do. "Why are people in these movies always so stupid!" Daichi looks over at me and says, "Suga, it's just a movie, calm down." he smiles sweetly. Was that.. A glint of fear I saw in his eyes? "okay, fine."

A few minutes later, Daichi covers his eyes. "Are you covering your eyes?" I smirk. "What? .. no I have an eyelash in my eye." he puts his hands back on his lap. "Aww is somebody scared?" I crawl across the couch over to him. "So cute," I boop his nose. "Suga," he groans. "I'm not a child!" I plop next to him on the couch with my arm resting on his shoulder. "Mmm.. says who?" "I- says me!" "oh?" I grab his hand and start fiddling with his fingers. "And who might that be?" "Daichi Sawamura." "Oooh, I'm sorry I thought it was my baby." I reach over and squish daichi's cheeks. "Shugaa stom thath!" We both laugh. "Okok settle down let's watch the movie."

"Daichi, I need that arm."

"Hmph. tell me one use you have for this arm that you couldn't do with the other."

"I need both arms to set to you, Daichi."


"Here how about this-"

I push him off, re-adjust my pillows and blankets, and lay back down.

Daichi huffs from the other side of the couch.

"What? Did you just do that so you coUld get rid of me?" He pouts, cutely. There's a little flicker of paranoia in the back of his eyes.

"As if. C'mere, honey." I lift the blanket off my legs and hold my other arm out to him. He crawls onto me, rests his head on my chest and wraps his arms around my waist. I pull the blanket over us and wrap my arms around him loosely.

"Why do you like these movies anyways?"

"If you get scared, you can squeeze me, okay?"

He starts to laugh into my hoodie.

"Oh, please."


"Oh, and he's gonna turn off the power? So predictable."

"Mhm." Daichi humms back.

"I bet you it's gonna all go black in




All the lights go out, the tv stops, the fans in the room stop, everything halts.

Daichi opens his eyes. "Hm? Did you turn it off?"


We sit in silence for a few minutes before I sit up.

"I'm going to check the breaker." I go to get up but Daichi pulls me back down. "Stay here." He mumbles.

"I can't fix the problem if I can't get up to find the problem, hun."

"Who said there was a problem? I'm fine right..here.." he sighs.

"How about I look out the window to see if it's just our house or if it's everyone else's too." "mmmno."



I shove Daichi off my lap and grab his hand. "You're coming with me." "Why? Are you scared this time?" I look down at him, with his hair all staticy from the blankets and his sleepy eyes. "No it's because I'm cold." he gasps. "Koshi! So cold!." "Exactly, you get the point, now c'mere." I pull him off the couch and walk over to the window, opening it and letting in the rainy air.

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