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this chapter includes violence and abuse.. beware 


~a few months later~

(Daichis' POV)

"Hey, Suga! You ready to go?" "Yeah, just let me grab my bad real quick." He turns around, grabs his bag, and flings his locker door closed. "You know, I'm really glad it's starting to warm up, finally." Suga says. "Not a fan of the cold?" "Well, I've just had it with constantly being cold, and chapped lips and everything being all dry dreading going anywhere!" "Fair point, but what about all the fuzzy warm socks, and how beautiful the world is when there's snow covering all the trees, and there's Christmas, and New Years, and hot cocoa." "yeah but all the slush that gets in your shoes when you accidentally step in a puddle, and all the layers you have to wear? It's a lot of work!" "True, but there's so many bugs in summer! It gets all humid and gross!" I reply. "Well, sure but there's swimming, and actually going outside and having fun! Plus training camps and summer break!" "fair point." Koshi grabs onto my hand and starts swinging our arms together as we walk. "Oh, did you hear that it's supposed to get really cold again tonight?" I ask. "Ugh, why?!" Suga yells up at the sky.

We come to a stop at the fork in the road. "So, um Suga?" He turns his head towards me. "Yes?" he asks. "Do you want to sleep over tonight?" he smirks at me. "Suga, you pervert!" I yell. "Okay, i'm sorry, i'm sorry-" he says while laughing loudly. "Sure, I can. I'll have to ask my parents first though, of course." he says. "Well, right-" he sighs. "They might be a little surprised to get grandchildren this early, but i'm sure they won't-" "KOSHI!" "right, right okay." he chuckles. "What time should I come over?" he asks. "Well, do you want to stay for dinner? Mom's making Mapo tofu." His eyes light up. "Spicy?" "obviously" "Then yes" "okay, then I'd say around 7-7:30" "okay, see you then, Honey!" he waves as he walks down the street to his house. It's been months, yet I still blush when he calls me that.

"Mom! I'm home!" I call as I open the door and take my shoes and jacket off. "Hey! How was school today?" "Oh it was fine, just normal. You said that Koshi could sleep over tonight, right?" "Yeah, I did." I start to walk away, but not before she adds, "remember to clean your room, Daichi!" "'Kay mom!" I yell back from the top of the staircase.

I walk into my room and look around. There's textbooks all over the floor, laundry that I had thrown on the floor because I was looking for something, various kinds of injury tape, open drawers, and in general it's just messy, which is bound to annoy him since he's kind of a neat freak at times, which there's nothing wrong with that, but-to be honest, I don't even know how it got to be this dirty..

Aah! It's almost 7-

I scramble to put everything back in their spots, but I trip on a shirt and slam my head on an open dresser drawer. "AAAAH!"

Both Aiya and Yui ran into my room to check on me. "What happened?" Yui asked while trying to hold in a laugh. Aiya was less successful in that department, and just burst out laughing. "I think I broke my nose.." I say as I turn around and sit up, facing them. Aiya's face morphs into an expression of something like disgust and horror. "I think you might've broken more than your nose-" she crouches down to my level to inspect my face. "Or at least injured more than your nose.." (A/N: be grateful that I didn't write in that he broke the bone in his eye socket so his eye didn't fall out- I was actually gonna do that-) "Ow! That hurts!" I wince. "Here-" she pulls me up by the arm. "Let's get you downstairs so that we can bandage you up or.. Something."

"So, Daichi, what are you and your boyfriend planning on doing tonight?" Aiya looks up at me. "Suga-san's coming over?" "Yeah, he is." Mom turns around from the stove where she was cooking and gasps. "What happened to your face!" "oh-" she runs over to me and starts inspecting my face. "MOM THE FOOD-" Yui runs over to the stove to save the food from burning. "Well, your nose doesn't look like it's out of line.. We should probably ice it somehow to quell the swelling, but other than that, it's gonna have to heal on its own." "Okay."

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