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Asahi claps his hands together and points them at me. "Okay, now, let's call the police." and soon, everyone went on with their business as usual.


(Daichi's POV)

"Hey! Daichi!" What does she want now? I'm trying to relax. "What?" I yell back. "Come downstairs! You're gonna want to see this!" "Okay, I'm coming." When I get downstairs, I see Yui sitting on our couch, watching tv. "What was so important?" "Look!" She points at the tv. On the screen, is a picture of Akuto, the waiter. "Man arrested for sexual assult and pedophillia." the headline said. "Today, Sugawara Koshi, a local student at Karasuno highschool, with the help of his friends Azumane Asahi, and Nishinoya Yuu, captured the criminal, AKuto Suzuki today at 'Mud House,' coffee shop today in Miyagi."

"WHAT?!" I sit down. Back to the screen, they move over to an interview with Suga, Asahi, and Noya. "Sugawara-san, would you like to tell us what happened here?" the reporter shoves the microphone in his face. "Well-I-um.. Sure." he takes a shaky breath. "A few nights ago, my brother, his friend and my friend all went to Sobano Kanda Toichiya for dinner, and my brother's friend had to go home because of a family emergency, so Daichi drove her home. Shortly after that, my brother had to go to the bathroom-" he hesitates. What happened while I was gone? What happened at the mud house? I lean forward on my seat. "And?" the reporter probes. "That's when he asked me what I wanted to order, and I thought, 'well, i'm hungry and everyone else seems to be taking a while.' so i ordered, and nothing really happened until he came back." Suga looks back at Noya and Asahi, unsure. I wish I was there to help him feel better, but they probably wouldn't let me there. Asahi and Noya both nod, assuringly. "Then, he delivered my food, but he spilled my water all over the table and my lap.." so that's why he was wearing a napkin over his lap the rest of the night. "He took all the things off the table to try and wipe it off, and then he cut me with a menu." "What did he do after that?" "He guided me to a closet to get a bandaid, and he did, by the way- and then kissed my knuckles, but passed it off as 'force of habit'. It was probably a habit, but more of a predatory one than accidental." he pauses to take a breath. "Then, later I decided to text him and tell him to go away." he puts his hands up in defense. "I know it was stupid, but you asked me what I did, not what I should've done." he puts his hands down and starts twiddling his thumbs in his pockets. "Then we decided to meet here, and then he said he would leave me alone-" the reporter turns around, facing the camera and says, "That's all the time we have for now, stay tuned for more information!" and then it switches to yet another horrible thing that happened in America.

Then, my phone starts to ring. "Suga? Are you okay?" ".. well, yeah but I can't find my keys. I'm guessing you sound worried because you saw the broadcast?" I can hear various things jangling in his bag.

"Do you want me to come pick you up or something?"

"no, the news crew and police won't let any of us leave anyways."

"That's.. Unpleasant. Do you want me to come over there?"


"Well, I suppose third wheeling for Asahi and Noya isn't very fun, plus don't you want some food?"

"YEs! I'm very hungry.. I haven't eaten all day."

"Alright, I'll bring some food. See you in a few minutes?"



(Suga's POV)

I don't want to sound clingy, but I really miss Daichi. Asahi and Noya are over there.. Being all coupley and i'm here getting questioned by the police. I'm very happy to answer their questions, but at this point they're just asking the same thing over and over again. Did he touch me? Yes. did he say that I was attractive? Yes. did he know my age prior to this? Yes. how? My driver's license was on the table when he went to clear it off after spilling the water, because I was looking for a gift card I had gotten. Did he do anything else? Yes. Can you elaborate? On and on and on.

I'm really hungry, too. I hope Daichi brings mapo tofu! Most of all, I just want a hug from him right now. To get away from all this, and just feel safe.

It almost makes me feel colder thinking about his warm and cozy hugs out here in the winter weather.


(Daichi's POV)

One of the things I love most about Suga, is that when he gets hungry, he also gets really affectionate. It's also really funny to see him swear a ton when he's really tired and/or sleep deprived, too. When I walked up to the entrance of the Mud House, Suga was waiting for me, sitting on the sidewalk by a tree. He comes running when he sees me. "My savior!" he yells, and hugs me. He's freezing cold, like a humanoid ice cube. He hugs me so hard, that I topple over on to the ground, being caught only by my elbows on the concrete sidewalk. The food topples out of my hands and lands a few feet away, but still in the bag I bought it in, thankfully.

Suga is sitting on top of me, with his arms pinning me to the ground on either side of my head. Noya and Asahi come running, but Noya only makes it halfway before he stops to take a picture of us, and then comes and helps us off the ground with Asahi. After we're all stood up, Asahi walks over to the food and gives it back to me. Suga stands on his tip-toes and kisses me on the cheek, then takes the bag of food, and runs off with it to find a bench to sit on to eat it. Noya, with his camera still out, takes a picture of that, too. I can feel my face heating up like a furnace, and butterflies flutter about in my stomach.

"Excuse me, sir;" A police officer popped up out of nowhere. "Yes?" "Do you know Akuto Suzuki?" Out of the corner of my eye, I see Suga waving frantically for me to answer 'no' but I'm not going to lie to the police, especially when I have meaningful information to give him. "Well-Not personally, no. But he was our waiter once." His face lights up with recognition. "Oh! So you're the friend that Sugawara was with that night, eh?" "Yes." he takes out a little notepad and a pen out of his pocket. "If you don't mind, can you please tell us what happened that night?" Suga facepalms. "Yeah, sure."

I tell him all I know, and then he lets me go have lunch with Suga. "I was trying to save you!" he exclaims as I sit down. "Save me from what?" "Well, now you might have to appear in court as a witness, plus this whole thing is so messy! I wouldn't want you to get all mixed up in that!" "Oh, please Suga." "What?" he pouts. "I had information that you didn't anyways." this seems to get his attention. "Like what? Did he try to get you, too?" "No, but he did try and make me jealous." he looks confused. "How..?" I scratch my neck nervously. "He told me that you kissed him." "And you believed him?" he looked slightly offended. "Well.. for a few seconds." "What?!" "I-well-" "I have standards, Daichi!" this is not how I expect this to go. I guess he's not gonna point out the fact that he thought I'd be jealous that Suga kissed him, which is a relief. I don't even know how I would answer that one. Suga hands me one of his meat buns. "Here," he says with a mouthful, and a smile. "Thanks!" I replied.

My phone dings, and I see that Noya has sent me the photos he took. The first one shows Suga straddling me on the ground, our faces all flustered and red. The second one is surprisingly good quality considering the event was only half a second, but the lighting is really nice and it really captures the moment. Suga's face is bright with happiness while mine is.. Well maybe let's not mention that. I can still feel the sensation of his lips on my cheek, and it gives me even more butterflies.

This is getting out of hand, already. I need to confess my feelings for Suga, and soon!

(A/N:  Alright! So that's  chapter 11, and this story is now 51 pages long on google docs-I was expecting this to be a oneshot, but I think this is definitely better lmao. I am going to make a book of a bunch or miscellaneous one shots for different fandoms though because I don't think i'll have enough for each individual fandom so it'll probably be a book of head cannons and one shots idk. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! Stay safe everyone!)

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