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(A/N: I'm in text messages, I'm going to put < and > as either Daichi or Suga, depending on who's POV it is, but just a username for whoever they're talking to so that it'll be easier to read.)


(Suga's POV)

As soon as the bell rings dismissing us to our lunch period, I go meet up with Asahi to confirm our plans for later. "Suga, who even is this guy?" He asks. I appreciate that he's concerned, but I really can't handle anyone questioning me right now. My common sense would catch up to me, and I'd be afraid to do what I must, and that can't happen. "He's just some guy that got on my nerves at a restaurant yesterday, Asahi. Nothing to worry about." "Okay..So when are we meeting him, and where?" "Oh, I forgot to ask him. I'll text you when he replies. I have to go meet Daichi tho, okay?" I start walking away, but I turn around and add "Tell Noya I say hi! I won't be at practice today." He blushes and yells back, "I-uhh Sure!" I run as fast as I can to get to the cafeteria. I won't want Daichi to worry about me, since I didn't warn him that I would be late. Even though he puts on a very convincing brave face all the time, I'm really the only one who knows how much of a worry wart he is.

The edges of my vision start to get slightly blurry as I run down the hallway. This is weird.. What's going on? The world seems to operate in slow motion for a few seconds and then it happens. Agonizing, ear shattering pain, and envelops my head and my vision goes completely black. "AHHHH!" My foot catches on something on the ground and I collide not-so-gracefully with the floor.


(Daichi's POV)

Who am I kidding? Of course Suga, my very best friend.. Would care if something happened to me! Suga's not the person to use people, or take advantage of them. Plus, what would he get out of being friends with me? He's just purely a good person, and even if he didn't know who I was, he would still mourn for me. Speaking of Suga, where is he? I wanted to talk to him.. I'm having such a crummy day, I really can't take school anymore. I look up from my rice and see Asahi running towards me with urgency. "Daichi!" He yells. He gets to my table and breathes fast and unevenly. "What's wrong, Asahi?" "Suga.. He's.. in the.. Nurse's office.." I bolt up from my seat, knocking over my bento and start running towards the cafeteria doors.

Right as I turn the corner, I see the nurse walking out of her office to see me running at full speed directly at her. "Sawamura-kun! Slow down!" she waves her hands around in alarm. I abruptly stop, slipping a little. "What happened with Koshi?" She looked confused. "Who? Oh, right Sugawara-Kun." She flips her clipboard pages closed. "He has a migraine and needs to rest. It would be best for you to leave him be right now. During a migraine, light and sound are extremely sensitive to him." She shoos' me away. "I have already informed his parents about this, they should be here soon to pick him up. Would you mind gathering his things, if you know where to find them?" "Oh, yeah-sure-right, of course." I stutter. This time, I make sure to walk quietly down the hallway to his locker. I hope he's okay. I know how horrible things like this can be, though I've never experienced it myself, Yui has them like, once every three months or so. She locks herself in her room, closes the blinds, turns off the lights in her room and the hallway and hides under her blankets. We got her noise-canceling headphones, too. I should bring them to him. I text Asahi.

Hey, I'm not going to be at practice, sorry. Could you get Yamaguchi or Ennoshita to take over for me?


Yeah, sure np

Did something come up?

<Yeah, Suga got a migraine>

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