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"Why does elevator music make things so awkward? Like, couldn't you choose something I don't know.. Not peppy? Especially at a hospital, like, imagine all the scenarios that the elevator music makes worse!" Noya exclaims.

"Like what for example?" Kiyoko asks.

"Like.. what if you just gave birth and then your baby died; like.. You go into the elevator and it's just like 'if you like pina coladas, and dancing in the rain~' like what the hell! Or what if you just found out you have a month to live.. I feel like it's kinda inconsiderate."

"What would you propose they play then?" Asahi asks.

"Um.. maybe classical?"

"Since when would you want to listen to classical music?"

"Hey! I watch Ghibli movies, it comes in the package. Also, how dare you, Daichi."

"What did I do? It was an honest question!"

"Hey! It's not my fault you only hum Led Zeppelin!"

"Okay, point taken, but I like classical music, thank you very much. Just not really.. The like classics I guess? I like.. Modern classical I'm not really sure."

. . .

"This elevator ride is like.. Really long."


"This elevator is just really slow."


There's a guy in a suit standing in the corner of the elevator.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to scare you."

Then I recognize him. "Oh! It's you!"

"Oh, hey..sorry I didn't get your name the last time we met. "Sawamura; and yours?"


"So.. what're you here for this time?"

"Oh, uh.. my mother-in-law got in a car accident.."

"Oh-i'm sorry to hear that, Mr. Saito."

"I think she'll be okay.. But I don't know yet."

"Well I hope she'll be okay!"


Noya rocks back and forth on his heels and toes with his hands in his pockets. Then.. he finally lets loose.

"Okay, I'm sorry but who is this guy??"

"Oh, Noya; I met him in the elevator last time I visited Suga."

"Ah." Kiyoko says.

"Seriously, though, this elevator is taking forever."

"Yeah.. it's been like 15 minutes at this point."

"Noya.." Asahi says sheepishly. "You forgot to push the freakin' buttons!"

"Noya!" we all (Except Mr.Saito) say in unison.

"Wait how is it my fault!"

"Because you were begging us to let you push the buttons like a child!"

"Just push the buttons already!" I say. I am done with this arguing. Just push them! What the hell!

Noya pushes the buttons, and then two minutes later, we finally get to our destination.

. . .

"Well.. it looks like he's gotten more color since the last time we saw him-" Kiyoko says.

"Yeah.. the scrapes on his face and arms are gone, that's good." Asahi adds.

"When was the last time you saw him?" Noya asks.

"The day he fell.." They both answer in sad unison.

. . .

Many are the empty quiet walks home at night after that afternoon. The depressing routine dances in and out of focus in my mind in a foggy haze. Like a merry-go-round that's too perfectly made. Complete smoothness, you can hardly tell you're spinning.

Wake up

Go to school

Visit Koshi

Go to school

Visit Koshi

Go to school

Visit koshi

Go to school

Visit Koshi

Wake up

Everyday I fear the night, as it inevitably draws closer. My classes full of boredom are my only solace in this cycle of nightmares. I can't go to sleep because I'll have a nightmare. So I work constantly. I know this probably isn't healthy, but who cares anymore? I'm still getting decent grades, and.. Well that's it.

You'd think my eyelids were magnetic, how they constantly open and close. I haven't gotten sleep in weeks at this point. It's been.. Six months since Koshi fell? I can't keep track anymore. I need to find another book series to read to Kosi. We've gone through 3 already.

I need to do my homework

I need to find a book

I need to sleep.. NO!

I need to.. Clean my room

I need to re-organize my bookshelves

I need to help my siblings with their homework

I need to sleep.. NO!

I need to.. NO!




I need to.. Study

Around and around and around and around it goes.

Go to school

Visit Koshi


Go to school

Visit Koshi


Go to school

Visit Koshi


Go to school

Visit Koshi


Wake up

Go to school

Visit Koshi


Go to school

Visit Koshi


Wake up

Go to school

Visit Koshi


Go to school

Visit Koshi


Wake up

Wake up

Wake up

Wake up

Wake up

Wake up

Wake up

Wake up

Wake up


(Suga's POV)


(A/N: HA! good luck)

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