Chapter 1 - Arrival

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"Hey N/N, we're here." Your mom says

"Okay Mami, I'm excited for this new change in scenery" you say while jumping out of your chariot.

You, your brother and your parents have decided to move away from your past town because it became too dangerous for outsiders like you and your family. 

"Ooh I'm glad! I was hoping this change wasn't so much of a... bother." Your mom answers

"No it's fine mami, plus. I love how all the houses here are all colourful" you say back

"Hey Y/N! Come help put away some heavy things with me. I need you for the heavy lifting." Your dad yells from inside of your soon to be new home

"Coming papi!" You say running in the house to help him push in a piano

"There you go!" Says a mysterious muscled lady who grabbed that piano like it was nothing and installed it in your new home

"Hey, thanks...uh..." you say to the lady who you have no clue what's her name

"Luisa, Luisa Madrigal." She says in return

"Luisa, thanks Luisa" you thank her

"No problem, I take it you're new here?" She asks

"Yeah, I'm Y/N L/N. me and my family moved here today" you answer her question

"Well enjoy your stay! It's really great here" she says while walking away and helping somebody push a donkey back into their farm.

You finish up bringing everything in the house and you're exhausted. You lay down in your bed just to catch a breath.

"Hey Hermano! You getting settled in?" Your older brother says as he walks in your room 

"Yes bro, I'm just about done" you answer

"I'm just coming to check on my little bro to see how he feels about this change of scenery" he says while sitting on your bed and messing up your hair

"I'm doing fine, this change is actually quite nice" you say while trying to fix your hair

"Fantastico! Mami and Papi and still on edge about all this however." He says excitingly but quickly gets in a serious tone.

"Why?" You ask

"I'm sure they'll be fine... anyway, let's go downstairs and eat little bro!" Your brother stands up and heads downstairs

"Alright, I'm coming" you quickly say trying to ignore what you have just heard.

You both go downstairs and eat supper with your mom and dad, due to all of the travelling it was already dark and you head to bed waiting for what the next day has in store for your weird yet interesting life.

A/N: Hey! This is my first chapter of the Isabela X M!Reader fanfic. I know this first chapter isn't too long it's sort of a epilogue more than a chapter 1, and next chapter will introduce Isabela! I hope you enjoy my story!

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