Chapter 4 - Antonio's Gift

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You wake up and do your morning routine. You go downstairs and see your brother getting dressed all fancy and you approach him.

"Who are you getting all fancy for?" You say while smirking at him

"N-nobody! I swear!" He says quickly like he's hiding something

"So... what are you doing today bro?" He asks trying to get the focus off of him

"Uh... I have some special plans" you tell him while trying not to say too much

"Hmm, alright. Well so do I. It looks like me and you will both be busy today then haha" your brother says

"I guess so" you say back

You go outside, the ceremony wasn't until tonight so you still had time.

"Morning Luisa!" You say enthusiastically 

"Mornin'!" She says back while she's helping her mom Julieta with moving heavy furniture

You don't know why, but you were in a really good mood. I guess the thought of seeing Isabela gets you excited.

You accidentally bump into a black haired girl who was wearing glasses

"Ow! Oh my god I'm so sorry!" She said

"No worries..." you said while you helped her pick up what she dropped

She ran off as soon as you helped her get her stuff from the ground

"Thanks Mirabel." Julieta says from afar after she kissed her forehead

"Mom...." Mirabel says in annoyance 

You keep walking while thinking of that weird interaction.

You pass by the gift shop which was about 3 blocks away from your house. You wanted to get a gift ready for Antonio.

"This is perfect" you say while picking out a stuffed animal 

"This the one?" The store cashier said while scanning the stuffed animal

"Yup" you reply

"7$." He says

You pay him and get the stuffed animal, You wrap it up in a colourful present box.

Right as you were going to head back you saw Isabela right across from you

"Oh- hey... Y/N?" She said

"Yup that's me" you answer her with

"What are you doing?" The dark haired girl asks

"Oh, I just picked up a little gift for your cousins birthday tonight" you answer her with

"So you're coming!" She says excitingly 

"Ah, so you were hoping I'd come?" You say teasing her

"What, no... I wasn't. I'm just happy that you are since being the only person in town that's not coming would be embarrassing." She said trying to hide her true feelings

"Mhmm... sure" you say while smirking

"Just... shut up!" She says

"Anyway, so I'll see you tonight?" You ask

"Yeah." Isabela responds with

You two split paths at the crossroad but not before sneaking one last peek of each other over your shoulders.

You make it back to your house and you start to get ready since the party was in 2 hours, your brother comes up to your room to ask you a question.

"So, you're going to the madrigals tonight too?" He asks

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