Chapter 8 - Broken Healings

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"W-what" you say in shock

"Look... please listen." Isabela says gesturing you to sit next to her

You sit down next to Isabela on a bench

"You already know I don't want to marry him, I'm being forced too. Please don't be mad at me... I enjoy being with you. Don't let this get between us." Isabela says trying to fix things

"Alright Mi princessa, I believe you" you answer

You were then caught off guard by Isabela giving you a big hug

 I"Please... understand" Isabela says while in your arms

"I do Isa don't worry." You say back

Right before Isabela got up to leave you decided to ask her one more question

"Mi princessa, why'd you kiss me?" You ask

"O-oh that... well um I-I was just trying to grab your attention" Isabela says trying to hide her true intent 

"Surrrrre" you say back

"Ughhh shut up!" Isabela says walking away flustered

You decide to head home for the night, you were confident that whatever was going to happen in the proposal tomorrow was going to end up nicely in your favour now.

The Next Day

You wake up to your brother's loud noise he was making that was supposed to be singing

"Bro... what are you doing?" You ask groggily

"I'm going to sing for Dolores!" He answers

You decided to keep the fact that his singing was... not up to par to yourself.

You walk downstairs to see your mom making some arepas

"Hey hun! You're awake. Would you like some arepas? I know you love them" your mom asks

"Yeah, sure mom" you say while taking one and eating it

"Ohh! I'm so glad the little man you're becoming!" Your mom embarrasses you

"Thanks mom..." you say back sarcastically 

"Well, I'm going to the casita" you say almost immediately being prevented

"No you're not. Well, not today..." your mom says with her tone getting deep

"Um... why?" You ask almost scared

Your mom walks up to you

"Your auntie is coming in a couple of days." Your mom says

"W-which one..." you ask also scared

"Kaycie." Your moms responds with

Your aunt Kaycie was never happy with you, she never thought what you did was good enough and she often frowned at you and even called you a disgrace to the family

"Oh... okay..." you say

"Now you know how she is, she wants eeeeeeeverything to be perfect. I need you and your brother to help me out here" your mom asked 

You didn't want to miss seeing Isabela but you didn't want to be scolded by your impolite aunt either, so you started to make sure your house was all nice and clean.

Isabela PoV

You were getting ready for the proposal tonight, when your cousin appeared in the hallway

"My, My. Who are you getting dressed up for Dolores?" You ask your cousin in a very golden dress

"N-nobody." Dolores says trying to hide her reasoning

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