Chapter 3 - Flor De Mayo

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You get up in the morning groggy as ever but you carry yourself out of your bed and head downstairs

"Morning..." you say to your brother who was making something to eat

"Why if it isn't my little bro! How's things?" He says while pouring tea into his cup

"Things around here are... interesting to say the least." You answer

"Oh? How so?" Your brother asks

"Have you ever met a girl with strength beyond human capacity. Or a mom with healing powers in her cooking. What about a princess who can makes vines and roses appear?" You tell your brother

"Ohhh you mean the madrigals!" He says 

"The madrigals?" You ask

"Yeah, they're a big deal here. Each of the madrigals who are blood related to the grandmother Abuela have a special gift that suits their personality." Your brother explains

"Wow, interesting." You say

"Very." Your brother says back

You grab your shoes and throw them on. You were going out to see what these Madrigals were all about.

You walk down a deferent path this time and you see Luisa doing the usual. You greet her and keep going up until you meet a familiar pink dressed girl who was dancing and giving the kids flower crowns

You stare in amassment

"Thanks Isa!" The kids yelled before running off with their crowns 

"You know, it rude to stare." Isabela says noticing your presence

"O-oh, I wasn't" you say in denial 

"Mhm, sure." Isabela responds with

You didn't want to tell her, but deep down you found her really pretty

"Um, so Isabela" you say

"Yes?" She answers

"Could we go somewhere to talk? You know, so we can get to know each other better" you ask

"I guess I could squeeze in 15 minutes in my oh so busy schedule" she responds with

You simply roll your eyes at her and you both go to the woods where you two first met

Isabela shows you her secret spot in the Forrest filled with roses she most likely grew. You two sit on a bench and started talking

"This is a really nice place with pretty plants" you say

"What would you know about plants?" Isabela asks

"A lot actually, my mom used to own a flower shop. There were a lot of roses similar to these ones here" you answer her question

You two talk and end up bonding a lot, Isabela then asks you a question.

"Hey, my Cousins gift ceremony is tomorrow. I was wondering if you'd like to come? -only if you want of course..." Isabela says

"Gift ceremony?" You ask

"You must heard by now that my family members all have gifts. My little Cousin Antonio's birthday is tomorrow and he will be getting his gift. It's going to be a big party too" Isabela reply's 

You thought this could be a good opportunity to not only get to know Isabela more, but also to know more about the Madrigals.

"Sure prima Dona, I'll be there" you say while smirking

Isabela rolls her eyes at you and punches you in your shoulder

Isabela walked you home and you went up to your room where you almost immediately fell asleep. You were excited about your exciting event tomorrow.

A/N: heyyy it has now been the first 3 chapters of my Isabela x M!Reader story! I hope you've been enjoying it. I am planning for this story to have 15 chapters so this is gonna be a little bit of a long one for my first story :P anyway, have a good day/night and I'll see you in Chapter 4! Also. I'll be trying to make the chapters longer from here on out

Only The Most Beautiful Flower Shines Brightest (Isabela Madrigal X M!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now