Chapter 6 - Your first "Date"

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You were walking down the stone path until you reached the end of it so you waited for Isabela to catch up. You could see Isabela running down the stone path that came from her house, she was in a hurry

"I'm here!" Isabela says partially out of breath

"That isn't (Perfect) timing" you said while smirking

"Yeah, yeah I know" Isabela says while rolling her eyes at your comment

"So Mi princessa, you want to go get something to eat? I'm pretty hungry" you ask

"Yeah, I am too..." she said blushing at the "Mi princessa" part

"I know this town enough, there's this really good food place near my house we can go to" you suggest

"Okay" Isabela agrees

You both continue your way down the towns brick path while greeting the few people you knew, you eventually reach the restaurant. You go inside and take a seat while waiting for the waiter

"Is the food here good?" Isabela asks

"Yes- well hopefully they meet the great señorita Isabelas expectations." You say while smiling

Isabela smiled at your comment

"Hello! Can I take your orders?" The waiter asks

"I'll have a Colombian Special, thanks." You Place your order

"I'll have the same thing" Isabela orders

"Okay, it shouldn't take too long!" The waiter says before going to give the chefs the order

"You look beautiful Isa" you compliment Isabela

"Thanks, you look very handsome too" Isabela says back

"This old thing? Pfft, I can do better" you say trying to give yourself an ego boost

"You know... I really like spending time with you. Around you, I don't have to act all perfect and stuck up" Isabela states

"You should never worry about that around me, I actually prefer that you don't. Because I love your playful yet stern personality." You compliment her

"Really? Do you mean that?" Isabela asks

"Of course. I wouldn't lie about something like that" you say reassuring her

Isabela blushes and thanks you

"Here you go. I hope you enjoy it!" The waiter puts your plate in front of you and Isabelas in front of her

You take a bite out of your really good plate of food, but you look up and see Isabela seems down.

"What's wrong Mi princessa?" You ask

"N-nothing, Just. Thinking about something" Isabela says quickly

You both finish your foods and finished washing up

"So um, remember last night?" You ask

"Yeah. Antonio's ceremony?" Isabela responds

"How about we finish what we started Mi princessa" you tell her while smirking 

Isabela blushes. She knows you mean the failed kiss at the end of the party 

You both lean in for a kiss, until Isabela stops you.

"W-wait, wait wait... I can't." Isabela says quickly shoving herself away

"O-oh, I'm sorry was that too soon? I'm very sorry Isa..." you say being very sorry

"No. It's not you." Isabela reassures you 

"Um... then what is it?" You ask

"My grandma Abuela, doesn't want me to marry any normal man. She wants me to marry some rich man who would be "perfect" for me. Because as you know, I'm "sooooo perfect"... I'm sorry Y/N I can't." Isabela responds

"O-oh, Um but if you didn't want to couldnt you just have a talk with Her?" You ask

"I would. But he's going to purpose to me in a week... my family is already getting ready for it." Isabela responds

You felt really bad, you didn't know Isabela was going to marry somebody else.

"Look Isa I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to put you in all of these uncomfortable situations. I didn't know you were going to get married." You tell her

"No... it's my fault not telling you sooner." Isabela answers

"I'm... going home. Goodnight Y/N." Isabela says before leaving the restaurant

You payed for the meals you and Isabela had and you walked out of the restaurant

"I should've asked..." you tell yourself

You walk up the stone path back up to your house

"Hey bro!" Your brother greets you

"Hey." You answer back

"You up for a few more games?" He asks

"No, I'm good." You say going upstairs in your room

"Oh. Okay then." Your brother says not expecting your answer

You lay in your bed staring at the ceiling still half processing what had happened. You were really beating yourself up for what happened and for what trouble you probably caused Isabela. You lie awake until you eventually fall asleep

Isabela's POV

You made it back home to the casita, you walk in and meet your little sister Mirabel

"Hey Isa! I'm excited for you. The proposal is going to be awesome!" Mirabel says excited

"Yeah..." you say back

You didn't want to marry Mariano, You wanted to marry Y/N. 

You walk upstairs into your room and lie in your bed awake until you fall asleep

"What's up with her?" Mirabel asks

"I don't know. I'll keep my ears open." Dolores answers

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