Chapter 9 - What Else Can I Do?

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Isabela just stood there and froze 

"Ahem, Isa my dear. In case you have forgotten you have to say yes I do" Abuela whispers to Isabela

Isabela gave Y/N one quick look before responding to Mariano

"N-No. no I won't." Isabela says with a shaky voice

"Um! Isabela! What did you say? I think you should say it louder." Abuela says thinking she missed heard her

"No, I won't marry you Mariano Guzman." Isabela says once more but this time with a firm voice

Everyone at the table was left shocked, even Y/N.

"Isabela!" Abuela said in a mad tone

"I'm sick and tired of being perceived as this perfect idol!" Isabela states

"Abuela, why are you doing this to me! I never asked to be like this!" Isabela expresses her anger at Abuela

"Ahem. Isabela, may we speak in private?" Abuela says after leaving to go in a separate room, Isabela followed.

You were shocked that Isabela actually broke this unfortunate cycle, Mariano was sitting there consulting his mom, and Isabelas relatives were still shocked.

Isabela's POV

"Isabela!!!" Abuela yells at her granddaughter

"I had everything set for you! Everything was perfect just for you!" Abuela states

"But mami! I never wanted it this way!" Isabela interjects 

"I'm sick and tired of the way you treat me like some perfect god, when I'm exactly the same as everybody else!!!" Isabela yells

Abuela was left speechless

Isabela ran out of the casita


"Wheres Isabela?" Julieta asked

"Dunno" Camilo answered

A bird came flying in through the window and landed on Antonio's arm

"He says she left for the Forrest" Antonio translates 

"The Forrest?" You say 

"Why would she be going to the Forrest?" Luisa asked

You knew exactly where she'd be. You ran out of the casita to go to her secret flower garden 

You just arrived to the garden and not to your surprised you met your floral princess by the bench

"Hey, I'm proud of you." You tell her while taking a seat next to her

"...really?" Isabela asks

"Yes, I really am." You tell her

"I don't know... I was just tired of all this and I just let it all out." Isabela states

"That's what it looked like too." You reassure her

"And even just thinking about Abuela it just... ughhh!!!" Isabela says after being interrupted by her growing a cactus on accident

You both stood there in silence

"Isa... I thought you could just grow ros-" you are interrupted by Isabela standing up and picking the cactus up

"I just made something unexpected, something sharpe. Something new" she sings

CUE "What Else Can I Do (but replace Mirabel with Y/N)"

You both lay in the flower bed of exotic plants Isabela made in the casita until Abuela walks in


"Alma, I already said. I'm done with the way you treat me." Isabela says standing up for herself

Julieta and Agustin run in

"Mama! Leave her be!" Julieta yells at Alma

"Julieta? Not you too!" Alma responds

"You've always been hard on her, it's time to stop." Julieta says

Alma just then walked away

"Have fun Mi vida" Agustin says to her daughter 

"Thanks papi" Isabela says while they both walk away

"So... want to go for round 2?" Isabela says looking at you

"Gladly" you respond

And then, you both surf around the city while making all these new exotic plants each time you pass by a new house. You could hear the townsfolk cheering for you as you pass by each house in the town and you both stop at the top of a tower.

" know, Y/N." Isabela says

"Hm?" You say in curiosity 

"I would've never done this without you, thank you so much my dear friend" she says while giving you a big smile

"Well, I couldn't leave a damsel in destress in trouble, especially one as beautiful as you." You joke playfully

Isabela punched your arm

You two then watched the sunset

"Isa... I do have something to ask you." You say

"Ask away" she says

"Okay, okay..." you say nervously 

"We've been through a lot, you and I. You definitely made my new town a hell of a ride." You state

"Hehe, I guess so" she responds

"And... I have one more question to ask. Isabela, will you be my girlfriend?" You ask your beautiful floral princess

"..." Isabela stayed silent

"O-oh, you don't feel the same? Of course you don't fuck I messed this up why would you do this to yourself Y/N, aghhh you know what just forget I said anything and we can just-" you get interrupted

Isabela then started to make out with you

"I-Isa...?" You say

"That kiss, was not to get your attention." Isabela states

"And yes, yes I will take you as my prince." Isabela says with a smile

"I'm so glad my princess" you tell her

"Hehe" Isabela laughs

You both started making out again until you end up falling asleep on each other's shoulders

Hey! A/N here! It's been a while since I wrote one of these huh? Well I hope you've enjoyed my story thus far! There's only about 3 more chapters left so stick around! And also thank you sososo much for over 200 reads! This is my first ever Wattpad story and I didn't expect to get this many readers! Thank y'all so much one more time and I'll see you in chapter 10! :)

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