Chapter 5 - Every Rose has Thorns

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It was another boring morning, however the thought of last nights party filled your mind. Unlike other days however, today was very windy outside and there were some pretty nasty grey clouds

"You saw the clouds?" Your mom asks you while she's putting away dishes

"Yeah. They look pretty nasty" you answer with

It was unusual that it rains here, it was normally all sunny.

You decided to go play games with your brother while waiting for the nasty weather to clear up

Isabela's POV

It was another usual morning. You were helping with the flowers and just usual house work

"Hey hun, you okay?" Your mom Julieta asked worried

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine mom" you say storming back off to your room annoyed

Everything had been going wrong. Mirabel was messing up again, Pepa was causing a storm and worst of all Abuela was forcing everything to come out perfect. And most importantly she wanted YOU to be perfect. You were tired of this constant pressure of always acting and being your best and completely ignoring your bad. 

You walk to your bed and smother yourself in your blankets trying to make this constant invisible cloud glooming over you go away

"Hey Isa, I just wanted to tell you that-" Mirabel was cut off

"GET. OUT." You said annoyingly to your very clumsy sister

"Geez, I was just telling you supper was ready." Mirabel responded with and went back downstairs.

You didn't go down to eat, you weren't in the mood to see anybody today especially Mirabel and Abuela.


The storm cleared up around 5PM and you decided to go visit the casita again, you wanted to go see Isabela again.

You took your usual path to the casita but something was... off. 

You knock on the front door and you are greeted with a familiar young boy

"Yo! Wait. Aren't you the guy from yesterdays ceremony?" Camilo asked

"Yup, that's me" you answer Isabela's little cousin

Camilo let you in the house and warned you to not see Isabela, he said she was in a really bad mood

"Bad mood?" You asked yourself. You didn't want your princess in a bad mood

Camilo left to go back into his room after showing you a brief one off tour of the huge casita

You went up the colourful stairs and saw big wooden doors with yellow lighting of the family members.

"JULIETA, PEPA, BRUNO, ISABELA, DOLORES, LUISA, CAMILO, MIRABEL, ANTONIO" we're inscribed on the doors. You guessed they signified who's rooms were who's

You knock on Isabela's door half not expecting an answer

"Hello..?" You say kind of worried

There was no answer

You decide to open Isabela's door just a crack, it had been left unlocked.

"GET OUT MIRABEL!!!" Isabela screamed 

"U-um, n-no. It's me. Y/N." you answered

Isabela turned around and saw you, Her face lit up.

"I am so sorry..." Isabela had said

"Um, no I am I should've asked for permission before I came in." You answered

You were amazed with how many pink roses Isabela's room was filled with. You knew her gift was flowers but you had never seen her room before. 

"You can come in- if you want." Isabela said almost immediately interjecting herself

You fully get in her room and you finally see how big it is

"You have a really nice room" you compliment her

"Yeah, yeah." She scoffs at your comment

"Um. I heard you weren't in a good mood. Do you want to tell me what's wrong?" You ask Isabela

"(Sigh) are you a big mouth that'll go blabbering what I tell you to my family?" Isabela asks back

"Noway, I'd never do that" you reassure her

"Fine." She says not before a big sigh

Isabela gestures you to sit beside her on her bed and you go take a seat beside her

"Well, you know my grandma Abuela Madrigal?" Isabela asks

"Well. I know of her" you answer

"She puts a lot of pressure on me... and it gets to me really easily. It's hard being the eldest grandchild when all of her hopes and dreams relies on me to fulfil them... she makes me do everything perfectly because of this! I can never get anything true to me, everything has to be JUST PERFECT!" Isabela says angered

"My room is perfect, my dress is perfect, my LIFE is perfect but this ISN'T ME! And I'm TIRED OF IT!"

You grab Isabela and pull her into your arms

"I-" Isabela stutters 

"It's gonna be okay. I promise." You say while hugging her

"I- I just want her to understand who I really am..." Isabela says before crying in your arms

You Pat her back and embrace her in your arms

"Better mi princessa?" You say smirking at her

"Yes." Isabela said not even recognizing the comment you made of her

"So, how about me and you go out in town for a little walk? I think the weather has gotten better" you proposed

"Yeah... you go on ahead I'll be out there in a few minutes." Isabela answers

"Alright, see ya prima Dona" you say before walking out of Isabela's room and closing her door

"...perfect. Huh? We'll see." Isabela says to herself before leaving her room to catch up with Y/N"

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