Chapter 7 - Mariano

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5 Days Later

You had spent the last 5 days helping out your family with good deeds and got to know a few people in town. You didn't want to even think about Isabela because you knew she already had a marriage in two days. You didn't even want to go to it because you knew it would've just been awkward.

"Hey hun, thank you so, so much for your help." Your mom flatters you

"It's nothing mom, I just want to do the best I can" you answer

"Oh, one last thing." You mom stops you before you head back outside

"Yes mom?" You ask

"Can you please water my pink roses outside, they mean a lot to me and it would pain me to see them die..." your mom asks one last favour

"...yeah sure mom." You answer hesitantly 

You got outside to see a rectangular flower bed hanging from the kitchens window from the outside, you get to watering it but every second of even starring at these roses you cannot help but to think about Isabela.

Isabela's POV

"Soooo you want it up right? What about sideways? Maybe upwards!" Mirabel asks while trying to set up the banners

"It's... fine either way Mirabel." You answer your youngest sister with a small sigh in between

"Got it..." Mirabel sets things up

"Say... Isa." Mirabel mentions

"Hmm?" Isabela answers

"Um, as the days get closer and closer to your marriage, I noticed you've been getting gloomier each day. We may not be on the best of terms like... ever. But we're sisters, and if anything's bothering you you can tell me, Isa." Mirabel states

"Thanks Mirabel, but I promise, I'm fine." Isabela reassures her sister

"Okay..." Mirabel says before walking away to help another family member

"(Sigh) Y/N..." Isabela sighs

"You miss Y/N. you wish you marry him. Don't you?" Dolores says surprising Isabela

"Ah! Dolores! Can you um... not talk about this out in the open like this?" You ask your cousin

"Right. I'm sorry." Dolores says pulling you into her room

"(Sigh) let me guess, you heard me talking about him in my room." You guess

"Yes. Precisely. (Hmm)" Dolores admits

"I understand your struggles my cousin." Dolores reassures Isabela

"I just... why can't I live a normal life like you and all the other Mardrigals!" You say in a rage

Dolores and Isabela end up hugging it out and Dolores let Isabela take out her anger on her pillow

"I can hear Abuela. She's asking for you." Dolores says hearing her grandmother from the kitchen

"Okay... thanks Dolores" you thank your cousin

"Anytime. (Hmm)" Dolores says

You walk out of Dolores's room and head towards the kitchen

"Hey sis!" Luisa says while moving flower pots around

"Hey Luisa." You greet her back

"Abuela wants you in the kitchen" Luisa says

"I know, Dolores told me." You say as you walk in the kitchen

"Ahh! My perfect princess" Abuela says before kissing her grand daughters head

"Thanks... Abuela..." you say with pauses

"I hope you're ready for your wedding, this will be a day to remember! You're going to be married to your perfect prince and you'll have a perfect day just for you, my perfect daughter." Abuela states

You just listen in silence.

"Now, make sure your hair is brushed, and your dress is put on perfectly. I don't want the Guzmans thinking our perfect princess is just all talk" Abuela asks Isabela

"Don't worry Abuela... everything will be perfect..." you say with a sad tone

"Wonderful!" Abuels says before walking away

You use your vines to carry yourself back to your room and you wait in there for the hours to pass, you just wanted to get this over with.


You had just been done getting everything done and just as you were walking back inside for the night, a unknown man approached you

"Hey, is this the flower shop?" The man asks

"Um... no sir, this is my house. And who might you be?" You ask politely 

"Mariano. Mariano Guzman. A pleasure to meet you" Mariano says shaking your hand

"Mariano... that was the name of the guy who was getting married to Isabela" you say to yourself

You pull your hand away almost immediately after hearing his name.

"Ah okay, well that's a bummer. I was looking for some nice flowers for my soon to be perfect wife." Mariano says 

"Yeah... it really is a shame..." you say trying to hide your hatred behind your voice

"Hey, why don't you come along? It's in-" Mariano was stopped

"-two days, and no I'm good." You say before storming inside your house

"Alright then..." Mariano says before heading to the actual flower shop across the road

"Hey bro, who was that outside?" You brother asks

"Some guy asking if this was the flower shop." You say

"Do you know his name?" Your brother asks

"Mariano Guzman..." you say trying not to barf at the name

"Ohh! I heard he's getting married to the eldest Madrigal!" Your brother adds

"I know!" You say storming up to your room 

"Oh. Alright then." Your brother 

You go to sleep with nothing but the marriage in sight flooding your mind 

The Next Day

You got up and went outside to get some fresh air and to clear your mind of your recent thoughts. You took your normal route and saw a familiar pink dressed girl right in front of you.

"Y/N! Hey!" Isabela says from afar

You ignore her

"Hey, hey wait..." Isabela grabs your arm

"(Sigh) what." You say

"Look, i don't want to marry that big dumb hunk." Isabela says

"I know, but you still ARE going to get married to him." You add

"Now, if you don't have anything else to say, I'll be on my way." You say walking away  from Isabela

"No, please wait!" Isabela says

You ignore her, and walk away

Only then, you felt her grab your arm again and pulled you backwards and you two locked lips and started kissing.

Only The Most Beautiful Flower Shines Brightest (Isabela Madrigal X M!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now