Chapter 2 - Isabela

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You wake up at 10AM the next day, you head downstairs in the kitchen where you meet your dad and mom

"Good morning sweety!" Your mom greets you

"Hey mom" you greet back

"Are you hungry? I've got some arepa's for you" your mom asks

"No mami, I'm good" you say while putting your shoes on and we're about to go outside

"Where are you going boy?" Your stern dad asks

"Oh, I was just going outside to go explore my surroundings dad" you answer

"Okay sweety, just come home before it's dark" she says treating you like a 13 year old boy when you're 23

"Mom... I'm not a kid anymore." You say back

"I know, I know. I'm just worried." She tells you

"Don't worry mami, I promise I won't get myself in any trouble." You reassure her

"Okay." Your mom says before you open the front door and go outside

- - 

You walk around outside greeting everybody you see and pass by, to your surprise you meeting Luisa again.

"Hey Luisa" you say to the girl who is way bigger than you

"Hey Y/N! Liking the town so far?" She asks you

"It seems fun, I just hope I don't eat my words." You answer

"Oh, sorry I'm kind of busy right now so maybe we can talk later?" She says

"Yeah sure" you say before she goes running off to save yet another donkey

You continue walking along the path and greeting people, after all you didn't want to leave a bad first impression to you new neighbours. 

You end up going off the trail and head to the woods not far from the town. You walk and explore the nature until you accidentally slip off a small hill and scratch your palm of your hand.

"Ow! Shit!" You yell in pain.

"Are you hurt?" A soft girl's voice comes from not too far away

"Who are you?" You ask

"Look at your hand it's bleeding! God these people have to be more careful..." the girl says while approaching you

She was a dark skin girl with long black hair and a pink dress with roses on it. She also looked like she was in her 20's.

"Let me see" she says while grabbing your hand to get a closer look

"Oh. Okay." You say still worried since you have no idea who this girl is

"This looks like something my mom can fix, come on follow me." The girl says before she grew vines out of thin air that secured you and her back to the town.

"Mami, someone got hurt again" the mysterious girl shows you cut hand to what seems to be her mother.

"Oh no! I'll get an Arepa right away" the mom quickly scurries away to the kitchen

"Um... so what's your name?" You asked the long haired girl 

"I am Isabela, Isabela Madrigal." She answers

"Madrigal..." you say while remembering Luisa's last name

"Here you go" Isabela's mom quickly cooked you up an Arepa

"Thanks, but I'm not hungry" you say

"Just eat it" Isabela says while rolling her eyes at you

"Fine" you say to the rude girl in front of you while you eat the Arepa.

"Better?' Isabela asks

"Yeah... how tho?" You ask Isabela

"My mom Julieta meals can heal your wounds." Isabela answers

"Really? That's cool" you answer

"I know, my family is amazing" Isabela says

"Hey, are you related to Luisa?" You ask

"Yeah, shes my sister." Isabela answers

That would explain the last names

"Why?" Isabela asks in return

"Oh, I just met her yesterday and your last names sounded similar." You answer

"Hey um, thanks for helping me" you thank her

"It's nothing, don't worry about it" Isabela answers

The sun was setting so you went home. You greeted your parents and went upstairs and got to bed. To think about how weird and yet interesting your day was...

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