.Chapter 3.

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The summer break before 8th grade.

Izuku and Katsuki sit at the counter closer to the kitchen, as his father states it was because "The dinner table is too far away, and I don't feel like walking all the way over there," But then again, he also claims that his legs are sore from walking around all over his job.

Hisashi works as an assistant the CEO for the Favonius Winds, where they sell all different kinds of stuff in there stores, and he also helps release the new building in other parts of Japan.

Izuku quickly finishes his food, and also takes Katsuki's empty plate to the sink. He puts them in there, and the two run over to Izuku's room. They both sit down and watch the new Hero movie, Featuring Erasurehead, Present Mic, Midnight, Power loader, and Izuku's almost all-time favorite, Detective Tsukauchi.

Some may not know of him, but he's a popular detective with a Lying detector quirk. Izuku absolutely admires him, his job, his quirk, and almost everything about him. He loves the detective so much, he even wrote a whole 3 page essay and information with messy pencil work and crayons in his notebook.

Izuku prays to the all mighty Allmight that some day, he may hopefully meet his two idols, all might and detective Tsukauchi. He wanted a very nice autograph in his notebook, ever so badly.

Maybe they would accept him more than the kids at school did. When he told his classmates about his quirk, they believed he wouldn't be accepted by heroes, let alone a hero school at all. Especially not UA.

Izuku himself often never let words get to him. But the denial of his dreams by his own classmates, including teachers, is what hit him hardest. It hurt his feelings, knowing that some of his past friends didn't even believe in him anymore.

He wouldn't let them change his ideas, though. There words might've hurt, but little did they know, He still had one extra thick skin there words wouldn't cut through.

Suddenly, a random idea popped into his head.

"Hey dad, can me and Kacchan go to the small ice-cream stand out by the old park? I haven't had there ice-cream in weeks. Scratch that, maybe even months," Izuku exaggerates the 'months' part, to make his father say yes.

his father falls for his scheme, and Izuku and Katsuki share a high-five. The duo throws on there shoes, and also some short flannel jackets, before walking outside where the shiny-bright sun shines down on them.

"I know a shortcut there, should we take it?"

"Hell yeah! Of course!" Katsuki shouts as always, and Izuku beings to lead the way through that shortcut.

after a couple minutes of walking, the duo finds them selves under the bridge that's just couple more minutes away from the local park. They walk, until they hear a faint voice calling out for them.

"Y-ou'll mAke a buteiful s-sKiN ssssUit," a slurred voice echo's out into the tunnel just from behind them.

The moment Izuku was beginning to turn around, his bestfriend was snatch up by the goo, and being what looked as if suffocated and stuffed with it. he could here Katsuki's attempted gasps for air behind the chunks off goo.

Izuku activates his quirk, and it automatically pulls up a small screen infront of him, pointing at the slime's weakness.

His eyes.

Izuku runs up, and grabs the goo's eyes with his hands, crushing them. The goo Yells in agony, and releases the blond from his grip. Katsuki falls hard onto the ground, coughing and panting.

"A-AaAArGh, yyyou'll pay for thissss boy!" the goo yells put to him, and flings Izuku across the tunnel, next to Katsuki.

"I am Here!" A booming and proud voice comes ringing from behind them, and Izuku nearly thought this was some god-for-sent miracle he just received.

Allmight comes in and Texas Smashes him, the goo sinking into a small bottle. Allmight seals the cap, and puts it into his pocket.

"A-allmight! Wait!" Izuku cries out to the man, and he turns his head.

"Yes, Young..?"

"Shimura. Izuku Shimura,"

"What is it, young Shimura?"

"I have a question for you. Do you believe that people with weaker-mental quirks can become hero's?" Izuku asks, the silence making his anxiety slowly crawl up his neck. Katsuki Sits there slightly shocked, not expecting Izuku to ask such a thing.

"Im sorry..But you cant not be a hero. People with fully mental quirks tend not to be able to survive in the hero world very long. And a weaker mental quirk, you mine as well be fighting quirkless. which receives you as a higher chance of dying. Again, I'm sorry, Young Shimura, but I believe you should try and pursue for a more realistic dream, Like a police officer or something,"

Izuku sits on the ground, shocked, and tears threating to spill for his eyes. Never did he expect one of his Idols to deny him, but not only that, also reject him from the hero world in general. Katsuki's eyes fuel with rage and anger for the hero, and allmight jumps off, dropping the bottle.

Izuku slowly stands, and grabs the bottle. Tears spilled from his eyes and he silently sobbed. Katsuki comes running to him, giving him a side hug,

"Hey, don't listen to that idiot, he doesn't know what he's speaking about. He's just a quirkest bastard who believes he's on top of everyone!" Katsuki shouts, Venom and maybe pity lingering in his voice.

Izuku sniffles, and wipes his tears. He tightens his grip on the bottle.

"Lets go to the local police station and turn this in instead. I don't wanna think about what just happened. Can you text my dad that we'll be home late?" Katsuki nods, not wanting to disrespect the boy's choice to keep it silent for a while.

Katsuki pulls put his phone, and texts his Uncle Sashi was happened, and also telling him to meet them at the police station. He closes out his phone, and picks up his pace to catch up to Izuku.

This is sure as hell to be one good of a police station visit. Katsuki knew it.


Word count: 1033

and second chapter finished in one night! How impressive, Huh? Anyways, I probably should get enough sleep for track tomorrow so I'm not on the verge of collapsing. So,

Anyways, have a good rest of your day!

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