.Chapter. 33.

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Shinsou and asui looked back at him. He looked at them. He shook his head in denial, feeling there accusing looks. His breath quickens, and he tries to get himself to speak.

"I- I swear I-I didn't e-even k-know I had a-a b-brother I-"

"Midoriya, relax. We're not accusing you of anything yet." Yet. That was the problem. He didn't want them to accuse him at all. What if they threw him in jail? Convicted him for a crime he didn't commit? That would mean his life thrown away. The cases, Tsukauchi, his dad, UA, all to end up in the trash.

He can feel the air being sucked out of his lungs, the world closing in on him as people stare him down. He falls back onto the ground, hyperventilating and panting desperately

Shinsou walks over to him carefully, slowly putting a hand into his back, rubbing soft circles. "Izuku, you're alright. We're not accusing you of anything I promise. Just breathe, try to follow mine okay?"

Izuku makes a small attempt to nod, and steadied his breathing to match with Shinsou's. He looks up at him, tears streaming down his face.

"It's alright, we'll get this figured out, I swear. I won't let them hurt you."

Shinsou helped him stand, Izuku shaking in his hold, and looking to the ground. Not wanting to meet anyones staring gaze. what would they think of him after this?

"Hey, Earth to Midoriya, kero." Tsu said, snapping her fingers in front of his face. He just nods, not saying anything.

"We're going to eraser. We're gonna get him out of here and back up the steps so the hero's can get to him."

Izuku nods once again, and the three of them hop from the small ledge, running over to there teacher. It was a oddly gruesome sight, fresh blood streaming from down his face, bruises littering his face.

He grimaced at the sight, it's not everyday you'd see you teacher so dirtied up and beat like a dish rag. Shinsou walked first, wrapping his arm around him to sit him up.

Izuku moved next, wrapping an arm around the other side. Asui takes there back, watching for anything behind them. they hurl the teacher up, to which he groans, Izuku's wishing the ground would sallow him whole already.

He auto-piloted, walking in the direction of wherever Shinsou was leading the group. Walking quickly up the top of the steps. The hero's quickly rushed to them, taking Aizawa's out of their arms. Shinsou grabs Midoriya by the arm, leading him to the gate.

Everyone stares. Some in disgust, some with anger, some with fear, and some with mixed emotions izuku doesn't have the energy to figure out.

He felt as despair was going to swallow him while before the ground got its chance. He needed to get out of there, because god was he feeling heavy nausea with everyone staring directly at him. No shame into their obvious stares.

He quickly slapped a hand over his mouth, running out of the now open gate. Shinsou was so tempted to go after him, but he didn't, as he should give him space.

Katsuki looked over to him, he looked back. He sighed. He knew damn well he was about to run after him,and Shinsou was probably the only one here who could watch him without him getting all pissy.

Bakugou went out the gate jogging, as to not being too much attention, and the insomniac following suit.

Bakugou used his 'enhanced hearing' or so he likes to call it, to "hear if the nerd is crying in a corner somewhere." Shinsou wanted to drop kick him into the sun.

The loud one suddenly darted off to the right, heading towards a small forest. Shinsou internally sighed. 'just fucking great. More damn running with this track star.'

Shinsou jogs after him, not even bothering to catch up with the boy who's basically sprinting at this point. bakugou makes a turn before stopping, looking down at the crying green mess below him

Shinsou, finally catching up , puts his hands to his knees and pants heavily. He probably should work on his stamina..he discarded that thought, getting back to the task at hand. He walked over to izuku, sitting — more like Crouching besides him.

"Hey, Izuku, can you hear me?" Izuku nods, before lunging into a large hug. They fall back, Shinsou huffing as they do.

"No warning? Alright then."

"You make the worst sarcastic fucking jokes fucking eye-bags!"

"And you have the worst nicknames. But had I said anything? No." Katsuki grumbles incoherent curses under his breath. Shinsou rolls his eyes at him and rubs gentle circles on Izuku's bag.

"I'm..gonna call present mic, alright? So he can come get us." The two others nod, and izuku let go of him just enough to he could grab his phone out his pocket. (Which he wasn't suppose to have on him, but did it anyways.)

He dialed present mic's number, the phone ringing once or twice before the cockatoo answer. "Shinsou?! Where are you?! We did a head count and we're missing 3 of you! Midoriya, Bakugou, and you! Have you seen them?!'

"Chill, chill, I'm with them. Izuku needed some air after some..unexpected news. Can you come get us? We're at the first to the right."

He hears the man sigh through the phone. 'Alright. But you owe me some money, Alright? Gas cost a lot of money these days.'

Katsuki scoffs, to which Shinsou gives a glare too. He mouths, 'your paying dumbass'

"Yeah, sure, sure."

He ends up hanging up the phone, meeting bakugou's glaring eyes. He frowns. "The fuck do you mean I'm paying?!"

"Well, I'm sorry, it's almost like your not the richest person in this group right now. Just pay for the damn gas and stop complaining."

"Fucking fine! Asshat." He grumbles angrily, his hands subconsciously letting out explosions. Izuku chuckles slightly in Hitoshi's loose hug.

"Y'know your hands let out small explosions when your angry, kacchan?" Katsuki instantly turns away, looking to the side while flustered. They all laugh, cracking random jokes to ease the mood till Present mic got there.

"Sounds like you kids are having a good time."

"Yeah, sure. Can we go?" Hitoshi asks impatiently.

"Har har, don't be such a busy-body. What fire do you have to go put out?" He teases annoyingly. Sometimes, Hitoshi may like the man, but most, he's terrible.

"God you sound like my mom." Katsuki groans

"Whatever. Get up, and let's get GOOOOOING!" He yells with his quirk, giving everyone around him a migraine. The follow him out the woods and to a car.

The group gets inside, Shinsou in the front, bakugou and izuku in the back. The four sneakily get out of the scene—not before telling Nemuri that he has the kids and there leaving.

'Shit.' Izuku remembers. 'We're gonna have to explain what happened.'

Word count: 1170

Hello and welcome to another chapter! I am so sorry guys for the late updates, I just had literally zero motivation because of school. I'll get better at it lol, I swear!

Anyways, have a good rest of your day!

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