.Chapter 17.

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Izuku groans, shifting to the right of the bed. Eventually, he ends up rolling off.  His phone repeatedly rings the same song with his 7:30 AM alarm, and he has to hold the urge to cry, and especially complain.

Which he does anyways.

"Why the fuck do I have an alarm set of 7:30AM...I fucking hate this world," he curses out, buring his head into the soft beige carpet. he leans his head up the moment he hears a soft knock on the bedroom door.

"Hey, Izuku, are you awake yet? I heard something hit the floor." Mitsuki says through the door, her voice slightly muffled.

"Yeah. Im awake, I just fell out the bed." Izuku mutters from the carpet, making Mitsuki chuckle. she opens the door a little, seeing him lay on the floor in utter defeat.

"You should get dressed and start packing your stuff back up, I have to take you back to your father's today, Y'know that, right?"

All he does is give a nod, not even bothering to face her. this is not how he wanted to start of his morning. Or his day in general. He finally sits up a litt,e just enough to see Mitsuki's empathetic face looking down too him. Making him just want to go to sleep again.

"If I could keep you for myself, I would. But legally, I cannot...if I didn't own a large fashion company, I might've just kept you illegaly. But I still have to make a living. So i'm sorry, Izuku."

"It's alright, Auntie. Thank you for letting me stay. I don't think I could take another weekend with the Detective." Mitsuki's small frown soon turning into a smile.

"Seems like you still have some humor in ya, even though you fell and woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning."

"That was the worst joke you've told yet," Izuku hisses out, sending Mitsuku a small glare. She lifts her hands up in defeat, and walks out, closing the door behind her. Izuku lets out a much-needed sigh, and grabs his bag.

He grabs his dirty clothes, charger, phone, and some of the other stuff he brought. He grabs his last pair of clothes, a dark blue sweater with light ripped jeans. HE throws the backpack onto his back, and opens the door.

Instantly, Before even walking down the step's of the Bakugou's, he's meant with some Gospel music blasting from the kitchen, were Marasu is in a serious focus on mopping the floor. Izuku sweat dropped. Boy, did he feel bad for Katsuki when he wakes up.

He hurries himself out, Mitsuki following soon after, laughing to herself on how much of a hurry to get away from the whole day-long cleaning process hosted by her husband, Marasu.

Izuku's hops into the passenger seat, putting his bag to his feet and buckling uo in the car. He takes in a deep sigh, and reclines the chair all the way back.

"Kid, if something every happens at your dads again, call me, and I'll get ya away from there, you hear me sprout?" Mitsuki says, ruffling his hair. He smiles, and sways her hand away.

"Yeah, I hear you. I also think Tsukauchi wants to give me a case later..." He looked back over to his auntie, who's face lit up.

"Oh, right! The detective wanted me to give you a case, it's in the glove compartment. You can work on it after you resolve your family issues s back at home."

"But auntieeee-"

"Family first, Izuku Midoriya."

"Fine, alright." He pouts, and Mitsuki laughs at his actions, and pulls out of there driveway.

They have a silent car-ride there, just the radio playing quietly from the car. Izuku stares out the window, thinking of ways this could possibly go down.

Eventually, after being in his head full of clouds, they reach his house. He gets out of the car, waving a small Goodbye to his auntie Mitsuki. She drives away, blowing him kisses on the way out.

He sighs, already wishing he had just hopped on her car while she drove away. He walks to the door anyways, standing on the front porch.

Before he could even put his hand on the door handle, his father open the door.

"Hey, kid." He said, averting his gaze to the floor. Izuku had to hold in a laugh as he looked like a young kid talking to an adult.

"Hey, dad."

The awkward silence between the two makes them both cringe, and Izuku decided to break it.

"Uhm...we should talk, right?" Hisashi hesitates, and nods, moving out the way so he can walk in.

Izuku says his stuff done on a hook, including his jacket and bag. He turns, and sits in the couch, and schoowsnover leaving room for him to sit.

He does, and sighs, looking at his kid in the eyes.

"Izuku, I'm sorry for lashing out on you like that, and also on your notebook. I should've taken your feelings into my mind, I was just too stuck in your mom...I'm really sorry, kid."

Izuku's lip quivers, as he was trying to keep up his confident persona, but fails. Tears spill lightly out his eyes as he hugs his dad.

"I'm sorry too, I should've told you," his creaky voice says, and Hisashi laughs.

"How about ice cream, cheer you and me up right?"izuku nods profusely. Izuku suddenly remembers something. He looks up his dad, with a weary and nervous smile on his face. He stands, leaving the couch, and going to his bag. He grabs It off the hook, and grabs the new Cold Case Tsukauchi had ready for him. He walks back over to his dad.

"So...I might've just been working with Tsukauchi and been that Junior Detective on the news andsolvedthesagonomiyacaseandalsogotnezu'sattentionandnowhewantsmeatUA-"

"Kid, slow down."

He clears his throat, blush evident in his face. "R-right, Uhm, I was the Junior Detective who solved Sagonomiya's case with Tsukauchi so I work with him now, and also I've gotten Nezu's attention."

He looks over to his dad, to see his mouth huh wide open, his eyes widen, and his eyebrows furrowed with confusion.

"Kid, you know your really something else, right?"

"Yeah, I kinda get that a lot." They both laugh.

Word count: 1063

Hello and welcome to another chapter! Currently updates are slower because my friend wants me to  write a Kenma x reader at the same time of this. So yeah, please be patient with me.

Anyways, have a good rest of your day!

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