.Chapter 18.

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Izuku sighs, looking down at the murder case infront of him. In a mansion sort Late at night, a man named Bobby Brown was murder at 12:04.

A party being hosted by him in the mansion was being held. There were 5 of them. The Harley Cospin, Mark Matthews, Ray Temple, Joslyn Right, and Makayla Casper.

The body was found at 12:15, By a maid in house after everyone had left at 12:10. Izuku pulled out the Autopsy report, reading it.

'Cause of death: A multiple stab wounds from what seems to be caused from a something small and sharp. by the directed angle of the main stab that killed him, they have to be left handed.'

He nods at this, and looks at the suspect reports. He reads off that, Harley Cospin. Makayla Casper, Alan's Ray Temple we're all left handed. He silently thought to himself, 'That's a relief.

His father quirks a confused brow at him, and taps his shoulder. Izuku looks towards him. "Why don't you just use your quirk, kid?"

Izuku mouthed an O, somehow completely forgetting about his quirk he activated it, and instantly, different paper begin to light at him. He picks up the papers.

He picks up Makayla Casper's and Ray Temple's report, he picks up a photo from just outside the scene, he also picks up one of the possible murder weapon found, which was a small pocket knife, and aswell as a report from a close friend of Makayla and Ray's.

He looks at the photo from the outside scene. It shows Makayla Casper, and also Ray temple. They both have visible pocket knifes from there back pockets, and Makayla also has another small pocket knife being held with her left hand.

He puts the photo down, and sighs. The possible murder weapon was found to be a pocket knife. That also matched the Small, sharp object from the Autopsy report.

He picks uo the small report from the close friend. He reads it, but just the more highlighted parts of the questioning.

'Mr.Bobby has had troubles with Ray and Makayla for a long, long while. I don't even know exactly what happened, anyways.

But they've always fought, had disagreements on everything, and even threatens that whatever chance they get the will murder each other. I always thought it was odd, so I shrugged it off.

But now I know that I probably shouldn't have.'

He sighed, he could tell the guilt of her keeping secret and private of it was eating at her. Maybe he could suggest a therapist to her later.

Either way, Now, he has reasonable evidence on why they murdered him, photographic proof of the knives, (Which izuku has no clue on how they missed them.)

He circles the evidence on the photo's, also circling the "Left handed," on the reports, he out a Star on the report, and then put the papers all back inside of the folder. He sighs, leaning back.

"I have a headache," he groans annoyingly, with one of his drawbacks of his quirk being headaches and being light-headed. father just chuckles at him.

"Want some tea then, Mr. junior detective?"

"How about coffee?" His father shakes his head no, making a mental note to hide the coffee somewhere in the upper cabinets.

"No, your to young. Your not turning into a coffee addict just yet Izuku Midoriya-Shimura."

"Fine, fine..." he mutters, turning over in the couch so his head is into the cushions. He mutters something about tea, and Hisashi nods, making him a green tea.

"Damn...the entrance exams are about to start, dad, can we go please? I wanna talk to Nezu too."

"Uhm...Nezu? Whatever, fine, I'm not even going to ask why or how. just get your shoes back on kid, so we can go." Izuku nods, grabbing his shoes and quickly tying the laces on them. He gets his father's car keys frk. The rack, and heads out of the door.

His father follow's suit a couple minutes after him, and hops into the drivers seat. they drive off to the UA building, in northern Musutafu Japan.

                        Mean while, with Nezu.

                       Inside the watch rooms.

Nezu smirked, as he watches the black truck pull into the UA 'Staff' Parking. Yes, he gave Izuku permission to the staff parking. Why? Because he is going to be Nezu's partner. and Nezu's partner deserves entry into the UA staff's parking.

Hizashi looks out the window, slightly confused at the parking car since everyone is already there. he turns his confused attention over to Nezu.

"Nezu, who is that kid...wait...is that the CEO of Favonius Winds? What is he doing here? And is that his son walking with him?" Hizashi asks, multiple questions being spilled out at once. Nezu just nods.

"You see, that kid, Is Izuku Midoriya-Shimura. He is the junior detective that solved Mrs. Sangonomiya's case a day or two ago. I met with him yesterday, and he became my official partner. He will be taking part classes in Mine, Heroics, and also support course if he wishes too. Which means Aizawa, Power Loader, you may be expecting him to have part-takes in your classes."

Aizawa grunts in response, his mind just fixated on another problem child...especially since he's working with Nezu now. Power loader just sweat drops.

"He must be really smart then if you had decided to make him your partner in just one day, huh?"

"Oh yes, that boy is crazy smart. A while back, Tsukauchi gave him a test that consisted of middle school level forensics' and detective work, all the way to college level. and I belive he got a ninety-five or a hundred percent on the test." Nezu says while grinning, his smirk giving the whole room tensed shivers.

"And look, here he arrives. Just in time for the entrance exams to start. Also, Present mic get ready to open the gates." Hizashi nods, going over to the button for the gate. at the same time, his partner enters into the room

"Ready to watch the Entrance exams, Mr. Midoriya-Shimura?"

"Just call me Izuku, Mr. Nezu, and yeah, definitely." He says, his bright smile filling the room as he holds his notebook in pen in hand.


Word count: 1042

Another later chapter update, again. My bad yall. its like everytime I start talking about my update schedule, I end up not posting another chapter for like 3 weeks. So sorry guys.

Anyways, have a good rest of your day!

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