.Chapter 11.

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He and Mitsuki arrive at the house. The two of them hop out the car, Izuku grabbing His Guoba bag, and shutting the car door. The two of them walk towards Mitsuki's house, and she pull out her keys, rummaging through them to fine the door key. Katsuki runs from upstairs in his room, and the instant Mitsuki open's the door, There, Katsuki stands. He grabs Izuku's hand, and runs up back to his room.

"Okay. I want an explanation, what happened, and your getting a scolding if it was something ultimately stupid." Katsuki threatens, and shoves Izuku onto the beanbag, while he sits on top of the bed.

"Well, for starters, I got a job at the Police station with Tsukauchi. that was a couple days ago anyways. So basically, My dad found my Diary, and he got pissed at me because I said I hated Looking and being treated like my mother. which apparently should be a gift I should be grateful for in his eyes. Anyways, he destroyed the notebook, so I decided to stay the night at Tsukauchi's place for dad to literally not kill me in my sleep.

While I was there, he gave me a small case on this boy named Arlo. He had a quirk incident and needed help on what to do with it. So I helped him, and yeah, blah blah, Anyways, My dad told me to come home. So I did, and then I texted auntie Mitsuki to please come over, and she did, and then him and her had a talk while I got news from, Tsukauchi!"

"Geez, that's a lot. but anyways, what news?"

"The principal of UA Wants to meet me! Isn't that great?! Is it not?!"

Katsuki gave him a shocked look, clearly trying to process everything dumped onto him. He looked at Izuku dumbfounded, until Izuku showed him the texts messages.

"Yo... You should definitely give me a good word, you're literally about to go meet the Prinicpal of UA!" he shouts proudly, shaking Izuku by his shoulders. To him, it felt like doing that case should've meant nothing. But he was proud of himself anyways.

"I will, I Promise!" He beams, and Katsuki gives a large grin back.

"Anyways, Wanna set up the nugget wall?"

"Totally. But I call the quirkmellow this time." Katsuki rolls his eyes, and pulls out the nugget.


Hisashi felt like an honest, and great father for sometime of his life.

But now, he felt nothing more than a coward.

he failed to see his son's feelings, let alone recognize that he was one of the main causes from this. He failed as a father, from being a coward. from cowarding away from his responsibility's and heading towards what Inko would've wanted.

He knew he was an honest, and great father for some time of his life. He could prove it. the memories, the way they hung 24/7 with the Bakugou's almost every weekend they could, all the other things they went through alone.

But now, he could only see how he's been imagining Inko there with him.

So now, he feels nothing more than a coward.

And nothing more than regret.


They set up the boundary, otherwise known as the nugget. The nugget separates there sides, meaning Izuku has the side by the door, and Katsuki has the one by the desk and closet. Izuku's side consisted of a striped blanket placed on the floor, with the pillow at the head of the nightstand, and his other pillows surrounding. he had a Erasurehead blanket to sleep with, and he had the quirkmellow in his arms.

Katsuki's side consisted of the same, expect, he had a small light, being used as nightlight. He held the smaller quirkmellow, otherwise as what they call the "Mama-Quirkmellows baby." Izuku turned off the bright light, leaving them with just Katsuki's nightlight and the light of there phones.

Izuku got on messages, and started texting Katsuki in a random GC they were added into.

BigBrains: Anyone Awake?

1887Eyebags: I'm always awake.

BigBrains: That's very emo of you to say.

KingExplosionMurder: I'm literally just across the room from you.

MrsGoggles: Wow! Sm's not yell-y!

MajorCopyCat: didn't think I'd see smthing like that in my lifetime lmao

KingExplosionMurder: I swear if you two don't shut your on-going mouths I will blast them shut!

BigBrains: Explosion murder irl?!

1887Eyebags: I need my nightly coffee.

BigBrains: Are you by any chance Erasure head's secret love child or even Son?

1887Eyebags: Wait- How did you know that?

BigBrains: I heard Tsukauchi mutter "Shinsou and Aizawa have the exact same eyebags.." and I died laughing,

1887Eyebags: Tsukauchi cant keep his mouth shut. wait, how do you know Tsukauchi?

BigBrains: Long story. Not willing to explain. Ask Tsukauchi.

1887Eyebags: Ok. Thanks for the amazing intel.

MrsGoggles: Is it just me, or does Izuku seem to know a lot of secret secret things on everyone?

BigBrains: My quirk is literally analysis Mei *Insert Skull Emoji*

MrsGoggles: Right. I forgot about thagt. anyways, Im gonna go to beds so I can get more ideas for my babies!

MajorCopyCat: How many times to we have to tell u to change babies to inventions dawg.

MrsGoggles: Not Enough! Night Night!

MrsGoggles Is Offline

1887Eyebags: I just took sleepy pills so yeah Im going ta bed

1887Eyebags and BigBrains are now offline.

MajorCopyCat and KingExplosionMurder are now offline.

Izuku turned off his phone, and plugged it up into the charger. He slides the phone under his pillow, and lays his head down, closing his eyes. he lets his mind wonder off to what Nezu and Tsukauchi have in store for him tomorrow, until he drowns out those thoughts, and stays watching TikTok on his phone, while drinking Arizona from his Daisey Cup.

Katsuki yells at him to shut up, and he slides his phone back under his pillow, and stares at Katsuki's bare and blank celling, until he begins to drift off, Katsuki following suit.


Word Count: 1000

hey guys, and a slow update chapter lol. I didn't feel like writing on mobile, so I had to wait like 2 days to get a charger for my computer.

Anyways, Have a good rest of your day!

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