.Chapter 26.

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As soon as izuku finished packing the rest of his bag, the bell to next hour rung. He scurried of with Katsuki, seeing that English and Support were somewhat close.

Katsuki took a turn, waving Izuku's a goodbye before heading off into Present Mic's extrodinaraly loud English class.

He continues walking down the hallway until he runs into class 1-H. He slides open the door nervously, looking inside.

Power loader looks over to him. He groans, and looks like he wants to slam his head down onto the podium. "You must be Nezu's student..right?"

He nods hesitantly. And his teacher just sighs. Izuku walks over to an empty desk right besides a girl with bright-ish pink hair.

She taps him excitedly, trying to get his attention.

"Helloooo, if it isn't my favorite test experiment! So your in the support course too?! That's great! Have you ever made a baby before? Would this be your first time? Or!-"

And izuku thought his rambling was bad. "Mei, please..it's nice to see you uhm..and babies? I seriously was hoping you would drop that by school year,"

"Yeah, I was hoping she'd drop it on the first day. She's still using it." The boy just diagonal from him but in front of Hatsume says. Izuku just nods in acknowledgment.

"So then, to answer your question, I've made one or two here and there."

"That's excellent! You could be my buisness partner now ! I will need someone to help me run the Hatsume Industries with all these babies!" She says, a shit-eating grin evident on her face.


"Alright now class, settle down please. I will be discussing the first project of the year right now so you have time to start tomorrow in class. For your project, you will have to make at least one invention to help someone in the support course. I don't care if it's a teacher, student, or some upper class man. The minimun is one invention and the maximum is 3."

Everybody nods with understanding, and power loader  continues with his explanation

"Today, you will be planning out and sketching your idea. Please come to me once you've finished your idea. Tomorrow you may start building if you can. You have 5 weeks to finish this project."

Izuku instantly grabs his note book from his backpack, flipping through the pages until he lands on Eraserhead's goggle design.

His sketch, is an improved version of erasure heads' current goggles. It has visors that keep particles or anything that could make Aizawa need to blink outside, and include night vision, so that it won't shade his viewing at night.

He put a small bookmark there, then continued to flip pages until he found bakugou's. Consisted of Aimers, to help him target his explosions more easily and make a more powerful force go straight foward in the direction he wished too.

He walks up to his teacher, his finger In between the spot he wishes to show him. Power loader gives him a confused eye.

"Midoriya? What did you need?"

"I have my designs already done."

Power loader looks shocked, but then remembers he's nezu and Tsukauchi's kid. He sighs, and nods, gesturing for him to show.

Izuku's shows Aizawa first, and watches as powerloader scans the papers up and down. Then the teacher looks back up to him.

"Impressive, kid. I have high hopes for this one. Anything else?"

Izuku nods, showing him bakugou's, who reads the papers again. He looks up to izuku once again, who just looks at him slightly worried.

"Will you be able to finish both of these In just 5 weeks?"

"Yeah, I'm sure of it! I think it's Hatsume you should be worried about, she's on a roll over there." Power loader just mentally groans, and giving Izuku a thanks for the heads up.

Izuku walks back to his desk, tapping his pencil along the edge. erasing and re-writing some notes on the ideas, while lisenting to Hatsume's ramble on different inventions.

"Oh! Oh! What about Directional boots? You know, for that gravity girl?!"

"Oh, you mean uraraka?"

"Yeah, yeah, her! I was thinking on this one idea I had, Directional boots! I think they'll help her control the direction her gravity goes in. Don't pry think so, Izuku?!"

"Oh. Yeah, she does seem to need a little help on controlling the direction she floats in. If you need more details on her quirk for the boots, I can get you them, Hatsume."

"Just call me Mei, Izuku! And that would be very much appreciated for my baby! You're wonderful, Izuku!"

"Mhm. No problem."

As class continued on, Izuku tuning in and out of Hatsume's rambles, the bell for 3rd hour finally rings. Izuku's grabs his bag, heading over to his next class, Nezu's.

He hurries off, wanting to what the bell to Nezu's since it was slightly far. He knocked quietly in the teacher's door, which in response, he revived "Come on inside, Midoriya."

He opened the door, and looked around the room. Looking at some of the decorations in the office. It was slightly bland, but oh well.

"Welcome, to our 1 on 1 teaching sessions!" Nezu announces proudly, popping out from under his desk. Izuku smiles at the chimera.

"Come, take a seat if you will. Would you like some tea?" Nezu pushes the chair over to his automatic tea maker, looking back to izuku for an answer.

"Green tea will be fine, thank you." Nezu's hums in acknowledgment, making them a cup of tea. He turn back to izuku.

"So, Izuku. I've been curious about your quirk. It is analysis, correct?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"So, would you mind giving me the details on your quirk? I know they help solve cases and also give you info on people. But could you go more into detail?"

"Yeah, of course! My quirk analysis allows me to see the details along someone's quirk, there age, drawbacks, weaknesses, and sometimes the level of there status. The second side of my quirk, allows me to have a heightened analysis on cases, it points out everything for me, showing me leads, I still have to do the majority myself though."

Nezu cackles a little, overjoyed. No, he finally has a partner in crime, a prodigy to conquer the world with.

Oh, will this be fun.

Word count: 1053
Have y'all heard Billie's new singles, 30th and TV? 30th had me in complete tears. She's amazing sometimes fr 🫶🏾

Anyways, have a good rest of your day!

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