.Chapter 7.

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Katsuki waits at his window in anticipation, waiting for izuku to arrive. After around a 15 minute wait. Soon enough, the green bush begins to walk towards his door.

Katsuki runs there instantly, and opens the door just as izuku was about to knock. He pulls izuku inside, his mom giving him a questioning look, but ignored it anyways.

He drags him into his room, and flings him alongside the bed.

"What the hell are you planning now, Nerd," Katsuki hisses out, And Izuku visibly flinches away.

"I..I was just getting a job. Recently, I've just needed some extra pocket moneyforthingsandididntwanttobotheranyonesoijustgotajobsoiwouodntburdenanyone-"

"IZUKU! Slow down!" Katsuki yells as he shakes Izuku's shoulders

Izuku takes a deep breath, before repeating what he said. "I got a job, because recently I've needed some pocket money, and I didn't really wanna bother anyone about it.." tears fight to the surface in the green haired boys eyes.

Katsuki looks at him with concern, but izuku only looks away, not daring to face Katsuki's ruby eyes staring down at him.

The blonde boy goes up to his friend, and hugs him. "You're not bothering anyone by asking for things, Izuku. You rarely ever do anyways. I think it's putting your dad on edge," tears shed down Izuku's face.

"But that's the problem! I don't want my dad to be on edge! I don't want him to think that way, that I'm some baby everyone needs to hold, or comfort, 24/7! I don't wanna cling on everyone's time for me..." Izuku nearly shouts as he throws Katsuki off of him.

Katsuki stumbles back in shock, and Izuku's forest green eyes stare him down, the sunset sky making his tears only shine worse.

He wipes them, and looks down. "Izuku..I'm sorry. Your not clinging onto me, or yo ur dad's time. I think your dad just always misses you, ever since..." he trails off, probably meaning his auntie.

"I-I know, but I'm always around him, and I don't wanna constantly remind him of mom, 'cause then I feel bad...I hate being the same as her," Izuku cries out, and tears spike his eyes again.

"You don't really mean that, do you?"

"I do. I'm tired of being thought of as a replica of her, I know I use to, but sometimes I want to be my own person! Not the person that everyone loves because I'm a replica of my mother. The one they really loved," Izuku says, and starts heading back to the door.

"Wait! Izuku!" Katsuki grabs Izuku's arm, and he turns around.

"No, Kacchan. I'm tired of being my mom's little reincarnation. I'm tired of being compared, people seeing me through her eyes. She died years ago. I'm not her," he says, and he storms out of the room, shutting in behind him.

Katsuki sits on his bed, basically stunned at Izuku's outburst. He never has outbursts like that. And never does he say he hates being like his mom. Did everyone know he really thought this way this whole time?

Or was Katsuki and everyone else really that ignorant to see it?

Hisashi walks around his house, bored. He finished all of his paperwork just an hour ago.

He looks at Izuku's door, and noticed one of the lights still on. He opens it, going to turn it off, and notices Izuku's desk light still on, with his half-open notebook.

Hisashi has never been a snoop, and always allowed Izuku's privacy. Since he felt that is what Inko would've wanted from him.

But now, he couldn't resist the urge to go and pick that notebook up . So he did, and he flipped through some of the pages.

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