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"Drive fucking faster!"

"I'm going as fast as I can!"

I sit up and am fucking antsy, we have about an hour left to go. I'm fucking terrified. I know this is all going to end to shit. I just hope Remi is taking it the best he can. He is stronger than he puts off and I hope to God they haven't hurt him. I need my baby safe.

James is next to me and holding onto the seat, he has been saying his head is still foggy from his concussion but he said he had to be there to help us. I don't know what we will be entering once we get there. It's fucking anarchy.

The rest of my men are following behind us in separate cars. They met up with us once we hit Burbank and grabbed all our weaponry. I keep spinning the ring on my finger and bouncing my legs up and down. I'm ready to go. I'm going to fucking kill them. I can't even feel the pain in my leg anymore. I don't give a shit. Adrenaline is pumping through my veins and I am ready to go. One of the more terrifying thoughts I have going through my head is that we don't even know what damage happened to Remi in the car accident. He could have been hurt really bad! James came out of it with a broken nose and a gash on his face, a concussion too. Who's to say if Remi's is better or worse?

As we head closer to Jeff's mansion, I notice everyone is on edge. Remi said that's where he was held up before so I'm guessing that's where he is now. He was able to describe what the yard looked like and sure enough, researching his property showed that it was exactly how he described. Dull red plants, hedges, a water fountain in the front. The gate doesn't look too hard to break through. Besides, I know the men who were there today weren't truly his men. They were hired I'm assuming by the 9 Vipers. I heavily doubt there are any backup at his house besides a few people or guards.

"Is there a plan?" Simmons asks, glancing back at me. James puts his hand on my shoulder and grips it. I shake him off and crack my knuckles.

"Kill everyone in your path. Don't take any prisoners. He is most likely on one of upper floors facing the front or down in the basement. This is going to be a fucking mess. We really won't know until we get there to see how the house is set up."

James nods. "Do you have a plan for afterwards?"

I shrug. "Just burn the house down. Start a fire on every floor."

"Alright, I'm updating everyone else," he mumbles, typing away on his phone. I'm coming, baby.

The SUV in front of us barges through the gates, yep just like I thought. It didn't stand a chance! We rush the cars through the long driveway and speed to the doors, parking quickly. We all jump out, guns raised as we run towards the front door. There's about 25 of us present for this. Why isn't there any guards out here? Fucking idiot! Crown knew he started a war but was too dumb to take us seriously. Today he will fucking learn.

Simmons yanks the door open and we start firing rapidly, screams echoing in the house and everyone is running for their lives. We slowly make our way in and shoot the trigger at everyone we see in the front room . Once it is quieter I run up the staircase and shoot a man I see on a radio, he yells out and falls over the stair ledge. Staff are running in every direction up and screaming. None are even trying to fight! It's like they knew they won't stand a chance!

John and Simmons dart in front of me, kicking doors open and shooting whoever is inside.

"Clear!", "Clear!"

I join them, luckily most of these rooms are empty. "Clear!" I yell, running to the next room. Two men are inside the next and I raise my gun, shooting them both and leaving as quick as I came.

I check the next room and nothing. What the fuck is this place? Fucking whips all over the walls?!

"Boss in here!"

I run towards John's voice, raising my gun as I enter the bedroom. My stomach drops when I see a bunch of men holding their hands up in surrender, surrounding a bed. When I look closer I see my baby, my husband, gasping and shaking, clawing at the sheets. He looks fucking deranged! He is screaming my name and sobbing, his skin completely wet and his hair sticking up in every direction. Why the fuck is he chained to the bed?! His neck is so enflamed from the metal collar and there is finger print bruising around it.

I raise my gun and shoot Jeff in the head and the others follow my lead, their bodies hitting the floor on a huge thump. Worthless ass man, can't even put up a fight. All he can do is run and have someone else cover for him. Fucking pansy!

I stare down at my husband, the way he is arching his back and screaming is fucking terrifying. I can't even move, I'm in shock.

"Get that thing off of him," I whisper, frozen in my spot. Simmons walks over to the post and messes with the chain and James is yelling out for Benjamin.

"Andy!" Remi screams, his hands desperately clawing at the sheets around him. He isn't even looking at me... What is happening?

Benny runs in and takes in the entire room. "What...oh!" He runs to Remi and does a quick examination, lifting his body up in certain places and checks his pulse. Remi fights against him and is sobbing, yelling my name hysterically.

"Andy, go to him," Benjamin looks over to me, his face emotionless.

I stare at his body, the way his back arches up against the bed. I remember the way his back would arch underneath me, he would be sobbing and yelling my name, his face would be rosy and his skin glistening. Except back then he was completely bare to me and we were together as one. Now, he is clothed, by himself, a fucking collar around his neck and he isn't sane. He cannot comprehend what is going on around him. He is crying desperately at my name, not moaning and begging for me. It's almost like deja vu...fuck I might faint!

"Andy!" Benjamin yells. "Andy, he needs you. You need to be with him!"

I shake my head vigorously. "What do you mean..."

"Andy he's dying. I don't think I'll be able to bring him out of this quick enough. His heart is going off the wall and his blood pressure is low. You need to be with him, before it is too late."

My mouth is dry and I force my legs forward, walking until I am against the bed.  I lean over and place my hand against his cheek, wow he is burning up! He leans into my hand and sobs even harder, I'm surprised he can tell it's me.

"Andy I'm scared, I don't wanna die," he hiccups, panting even heavier.

I know...I look at Benjamin for help. Tears are already glazing in my eyes. "Please, just try," I whisper.

I crawl behind Remi and hold him in my arms, rocking him back and forth. "I'm here baby, don't be scared, I'm here."

Benjamin shoves a needle into his wrist and injects him with something, making his eyes roll in the back of his head. He starts gasping for air and I hold him up. His body starts to seize and I hold on to him tighter. My darling husband, you can't leave me! You are only twenty! You haven't even experienced the good of life!

"Remi, baby, no! Hold on!" I sob out while Benjamin pulls me off of him. Oh god. Oh my god.

Alright y'all, I'm leaving this part up to you. Should Remi finally die or make it out alive? 🖤🖤🖤

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