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Oh, oh fuck. FUCK. I can't stop gagging. What the hell is in my mouth?! I can't stop sputtering, spit is flying everywhere. I'm choking on it. My hands grip around me and I find nothing but soft sheets. I hear beeping and it's annoying. Shut it off!

"Remi, it's okay. Hold on! I'm calling a doctor!"

Oh god I'm panicking. I finally open my eyes and Emerson is standing over me, looking at me with wet red eyes. I see a bunch of nurses run into the room looking shocked. Just as their faces are shocked it goes into grins and smiles. Two of the nurses are unhooking something from my mouth and I gasp out, gagging while it's released from my mouth. The room is clapping and I'm so confused. Why are you guys clapping?

"Welcome back to the world Mr. Biersack!" A blonde nurse smiles down at me. I stare at everyone, my eyes landing on my brother's. They are now wide and he is smiling hugely.

"Em," I croak out, my cheeks becoming wet. Wait, when did I start crying?

"Oh my god Rem!" He leans over me and pulls me into a tight hug. I tiredly hug him back, since when did I become so weak?

A doctor rushes in and flashes a light in my eyes. Ow.

"What is your full name?"

"Um, Remington Leith Kropp, wait no Biersack," I croak. "It hurts."

"I know," he mumbles, checking my face and looking up at my monitors. "Do you know where you are?"

"Um, uh, a clinic?"

"A hospital, but yes. Good job Mr. Biersack. Can someone call his next of kin?"

"No!" I try to shout but it comes out hoarsed as fuck. "No calls please."

"Alright you heard him, please place a no contact order on his chart please."

I look up to Emerson and he looks exhausted but so happy. Hell I'm happy that he's happy.

"I have so many questions," I mumble. This is hard. I didn't realize it would be painful to talk afterwards. He sits on his chair and pulls it up as close as he can to my bed. He then grips my hand, squeezing it gently but enough for me to know that it's okay.

"Do you want to write them down? Or maybe type them?" Emerson asks, kissing on the tired hand.

"Type, please."

"Okay, okay cool. I actually have my laptop in here so let me get that for you." He reaches down and grabs a bookbag, pulling out a shiny silver laptop. I watch him as he turns it on, opening it up on my lap and helping me sit up more. Maybe he should be a nurse or a doctor with how careful and loving he is.

He sets it up to type on Microsoft Word and I sit and ponder...what should my first question be? I'm fucking winded and confused.

What is the date? How long have I been out?

"June 19th. You've been out for months. Wow, um god. I think about five months now?"

Shit. Wow. That's a long fucking time. I didn't think I was out for that long! How in the hell am I still alive? This is crazy. I was literally dreaming for months.

Where is Andy?

Emerson reads it and looks down in his lap, his mind is definitely going a mile a minute. Is he trying to figure out what to say?

"He, um, he was with you for the first month. Eventually he stopped coming around. He's back home I think. He used to call me so he could speak to you but that's been like, two months I think."

Wow... How the fuck could he stop coming? I would never do that to him! I feel the anger boil inside me and my hands go into fists. My nails scraping on the inside of my palms.

"They were, um, they were going to pull the plug because it was going on six months. You actually had until tomorrow to wake up. God wow I'm so happy you woke up! I've been here with you for awhile and tried to visit as much as possible. Did you ever hear me?"

All the time

Tears dwell up in both of our eyes while we sob together, his arms reaching around me for another hug. I accept it happily. I have been craving human contact for awhile now.

Did Andy tell them to pull the plug?

Emerson looks down, wiping the tears off of his face. His bottom lip is trembling and I feel horrible.

"Yes, they emailed him and he faxed over paperwork that gave them the okay to pull it. He wasn't even going to visit Rem! I don't understand how someone that is supposed to love you, cherish you, be married to you, do that?! Rem I am so fucking mad I will strangle the man when I see him next."

If he doesn't care that much I don't want him to know I am awake. Promise me u won't tell him?

Emerson nods and puts his hands through my hair. Oh it feels so good and comforting. I could fall asleep to him doing this

"Will you be willing to be transferred to Los Angeles? So we can be closer to where I live and you can move in with me?"

Should I? I don't want to intrude on him or make him feel forced to let me in just because I'm his dumb bother.

"I want you safe with me Rem. I want to help you get back on your feet the right way. You won't ever have to prostitute yourself again, okay? I make more than enough to cover you for awhile. I can even help you get into a college! Then we can hire a lawyer and figure out a way to divorce Andy or maybe just always run away from it without him knowing. That's up to you.

I have nothing. All my stuff is there

"I'll get you different stuff, okay? No worries at all."

I look down at my left hand and notice my wedding rings are gone. Wow. Did he really take them off and leave me high and dry?

Okay. Not a word to Andy. Leave for your place. If it doesn't work plz tell me and I'll move.

"Okay, okay." My younger brother stands up. "I'll go tell the doctor, okay? Just relax. Do you want anything to eat or drink?"

Mcdonalds chicken nuggets and french fries pls

Emerson stands up and kisses my forehead, a huge smile on his face. "You got it."

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