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I find myself staring at my phone. I lick my lips nervously and take a deep breath. Remi, it's okay. You can do this. No one will hurt you. You have Andy.

Without thinking another thought I quickly turn on the phone and wait. I had to put it in some rice for it to work again but I was told it was barely water damaged. I've been putting this off for a couple days now. Sure enough once it turns back on the phone is going off like crazy. I gulp and sit through the constant ringing of notifications. I pick it up and start scrolling, sure enough finding texts from Emerson. But what's surprising me even more is that Nikolas is fucking worried to all hell. I guess I should let him know I am fine and everything is okay. After all, Andy literally beat the living shit out of him to find out where I was. He must be worried that I'm around some psychopath.

Remi: Hey... Sorry my phone has been off. I'm fine. All is okay. Im sorry what happened tho...are you okay?

I set it down and read through more notifications when I hear it go off again.


Nikolas: ARE U OKAY?!

Remi: Hey yeah I'm fine. Sorry about everything that happened. Andy can be a little protective I guess. It's a long story

Nikolas: Can u meet me at Justin's Coffee Shop? Like now?

Remi: um yeah give me like 20 minutes? I'm all the way in Burbank.

Nikolas: Just come alone.

I have to chuckle. He would probably shit his pants if Andy came with. Luckily for me, Andy is off on an armoury run to some dude Ronnie that I've never met. I guess it's where he used to live. Wait...what if he meets his ex boyfriend? No, no, Remi that's just your insecurities talking.

I slip on a pair of black skinnies and a black pair of chucks. I throw on a black tank top and I guess I'm ready? As much as I'm going stir crazy I really don't want to leave the house. I grab my phone off the charger and stop. Do I take the gun? Or should I leave it?

I can already feel myself starting to sweat and become clammy. I hate this...I don't want this. I can already hear Andy yelling at me in my head if I were to leave it so I reluctantly put it in my waistband, walking out of the room. I'm already walking funny and the back of my neck is killing me. Great, kill me now high blood pressure.

My Uber is waiting for me in the front and I'm glad. I don't want to be here alone really. I feel like I'm constantly being watched but I don't know by who. Everyone is still in the "wow, he's not dead," phase so I hope it's just that.

I step inside the cafe and look around, finding Nikolas waving his hand at me. His hair is now a dark purple and I gotta say, it really suits him!

"Oh my god Remi!" He yells, grabbing me and hugging me tight to his chest. "You are okay! Oh thank god!"

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" I chuckle. "You look a lot better."

"My body still hurts like a mother effer! Here, sit sit, I ordered you a chai and a Danish I hope you don't mind."

I smile and sit across from him, unwrapping the pastry. "You didn't have to."

"No, I know what you like. It's all good mate," he smirks at me. I tear off a piece and plop it in my mouth. Ugh, it's dry.

"So," I gulp down a drink of the warm chai. "Does everyone at work think I'm dead or something?"

"Well, yeah. You did have some scary man come in and threatening everyone."

I roll my eyes. "He didn't threaten anyone Nik."

"Bull shit dude! We saw the way he was looking at you! Like he owned you or something. He is fucking sadistic! Do you even know what he did to me?"

"I do," I hold in a chuckle. Andy said he didn't put up barely a fight and squealed right away. "I'm sorry you had to go through that though. It wasn't your drama to put up with. It was just because we were out together."

"Still Rems, that guy is insane. I don't understand how he's your husband! Did he force you into it?"

"No!" I'm taken back. "Andy has never forced me into anything! He's the one that got me clean. He's the one that took me in when nobody else would. I know it doesn't seem that way Nickel, but he really did save my life."


"No, no more about my husband." I sit up straighter and take the last gulp of the small chai. "I have a lot of baggage from my past that he has helped me through. I promise, he isn't a bad guy. I don't expect you to see it but come on, for me, just accept it?"

"Fine, I don't like it but for now, okay."

I sigh in relief, sitting back into the seat.

"So are you planning on coming back to work?"

I laugh, shaking my head. "I don't miss the frappuccinos and the specific degree of heat customers wanted."

Nikolas laughs and finishes his pastry. "I wouldn't either mate. I actually had an interview yesterday with a law firm and they are hiring me on."

Oh that's amazing! He's had to redo a test twice because he failed the first time. It's supposed to be really really hard.

We continue talking and laughing. It's good to talk to someone about stupid random shit. I'm actually really glad I came out. Even though we are getting along, I really want to ask him about the night in the club. Was he really expecting me to shoot up with him?

I'm tired, I want to go back home and love on my husband. I'm sure he's home now.

"It's been fun, man," I give him a tight hug.

"Here, let me get you another chai for on the road." He hugs me back, rocking us back and forth.

"You don't need to do that! I'll be fine," I smile and stand on my tip toes.

"No it's fine my princess. You only had a small anyways. Another one won't hurt. I have to spoil you somehow."

I give up and let him grab me another. My cheeks are a little blushed at the pet name but it does make me uncomfortable. I check my phone and Andy still hasn't texted me...god I hope he isn't with his ex. James hasn't said anything earlier either. Hell what am I thinking, he's fine. He's just working.

Nikolas offers me a ride home and I happily accept it. No weird Uber driver tonight! I'm ready to snuggle in bed and watch a movie. I take a big gulp out of the chai and head off to his car, starting to yawn. Why am I so tired?

"Put your address in babe," he smiles at me. I do my best to smile back and I type in the mansion's address to the GPS, yawning horribly loud. I lay my head against the window and watch him get in the car. I'm fucking knackered!

I find myself closing my eyes and Nikolas is laughing beside me, pulling out of the parking lot.

"Sleep tight, baby."

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