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2 months later

"Motherfucker!" I yell, my joints and bones aching loudly. I want to go to bed!

"Come on sweetie just another lap!"

I can feel the sweat dripping off of my burning face. Man I hate this. My legs are extremely wobbly as they hold up my weight. Stupid fucking coma. Stupid fucking muscles.

I flop on the hospital bed one last time, panting loudly. These crazy people had me exercising in the PT room and then made me walk laps after it. Good god even as I was normally, I would be passed out on the floor. Fucking leg day.

"Alright Remington you did so good! I'm going to get started on your discharge papers, sweetie." The nurse walks out as Emerson walks in, chuckling.

"They really made you earn it didn't they?"

"Motherfuckers," I pant out. "Had me lifting weights, on the treadmill. And then wanted me to walk more."

Emerson's nose scrunches up a bit. "You sure you didn't piss them off? I think I'd be tired too."

I shrug, flopping back on the bed. Emerson walks around and starts to pack up all of my things, which isn't much. He bought me a phone, much to my dismay. He said he wanted to make sure I was able to contact him no matter what but then he should have just bought me something cheap instead of this sleek looking iPhone. I'm so scared I'll break it. All I really had were some toiletries and my laptop, once again, another thing he purchased for me.

These last few months have tested me. It's hard when you feel nothing but heartbreak, but you can't show that side to anyone because you feel like you can't. And I love my brother, but I don't think I can really talk about Andy with him. He's helped me out so much and I feel guilty if I were to tell him the thoughts going through my head. How the heartbreak is so bad I often think of offing myself. But that would be a slap to Emerson's face.

He helped me enroll into an online college. It's not bad actually! I don't have a degree in mind yet so I'm just doing general studies. I'm kind of leaning towards social work though. I can help kids what I went through growing up and help them actually succeed. To find emergency shelter, housing, jobs, all of it. The thought really excites me but I'm scared as fuck. I'm scared to do this while I have a past. Hell, I'm married to a gang leader who doesn't know if I'm alive or dead. Actually, scratch that. He signed the permission form to pulled off of life support. He thinks I'm dead. And it's going to stay that way.

I just wish I could change myself. Hide myself. I don't want anyone to recognize me. I especially don't want this nasty mark on my hip. Ugh I can never take my shirt off again in public can I?

Emmy actually lives in a cute little apartment. It's a two bedroom. Originally he used the spare bedroom for his art but he transformed it into a little set up for me. I feel guilty, that's his livelihood he took away so I could be comfortable. Hell I would have been fine on the couch truly. His girlfriend, Shy, has been great too. I thought they lived together but they don't as of yet. She's not ready to or something, I don't know, I don't want to get into their drama and cause unnecessary issues.

"Alright I have a surprise for you," Shy giggled, her hands clasped together. We have been walking on the sidewalk for awhile now, trying to get some excerise in while Emerson was at an interview for his gallery coming up in two months.

I cringe a bit. I hate surprises. "Okay," I chuckle, wrapping my arms around my waist.

She opens a shop door and I follow her inside to a...a hair salon? I look around and notice the plants hanging off of the walls, the smell of coffee in the air. It's actually pretty nice!

"Shy!" A copper headed lady comes running up in some outrageously tall thigh high black boots. I wouldn't ever pair it with a skirt and sweater set myself but it seems like she can pull off anything effortlessly.

Shy hugs her and grabs me by the waist, pushing me in with them. "Rem, this is Larisa, Sebastian's girlfriend!"

Ohhhh. Oh. Oh.

"You are so cute oh my god!" She hugs me tight and I stand awkwardly, I'm not much of a hugger anymore. "Okay sit, sit! I want to give you some ideas for what I want to do!"

"Um, what are we doing?" I glance back at both of them and Larisa is already running her hands through my hair.

"Your hair, duh!" She chuckles. "I heard you wanted to revamp yourself and the best way to do that is to get a new hairstyle! Do you have anything you don't like? Ooo I think I'm going to surprise you!"

"Um, just please don't shave me bald?" I giggle.

"Oh wow of course not, never!" She smiles, rubbing my shoulders. Shy takes a seat on one of the empty chairs next to me, taking a picture for I'm guessing Emerson. "I already know what I'll do. Let's get your hair washed and prepped!"

I swallowed hard and my hands start to become fidgety. Okay, okay. Out of my control as usual, but this is nice, right?

Larisa wouldn't let me see myself in the mirror the entire time. She trimmed my hair up quite a bit and asked me how I usually styled it and I told her I'd spike it all up or lay it flat messily. Shy was super excited the entire time and I was trying not to die of an anxiety attack. She spun me in the chair and holy shit biscuits, what? Damn... It, it actually looks pretty fucking great! She dyed my hair completely platinum and wow I look different. A good different!

Here's to step 3 of getting my life back on track. Disguising myself.

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