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"Here," James tosses a small wrapped up burger at me. "You haven't eaten in a while."

I force out a chuckle and pick apart the paper, my stomach is in knots. I can't remember the last time I ate something. Maybe it was Tuesday? It is Thursday now I think.

"What day is it?" I yawn, arching my back a bit and ugh the most beautiful crack and pops release from my spine.


My eyes widen. Oh shit. It has been awhile. I think I'll spew if I try to eat though. I've been sitting in the waiting room off and on since Remi has been admitted and I'm only allowed in there for short amounts. He is in the ICU literally fighting for his life and I feel so fucking guilty. I shouldn't have snuck him out, I didn't realize his condition was that bad. I should have had Benny put him on antibiotics right away but I thought we had time. I didn't think all this shit would go down.

Jeff has balls, I'll give him that. What idiot decides to start a war with a gang? Especially one as notorious as ours. He only put up with one good fight and the rest fucked him over. If he really wanted to fight he would have had protection 24/7 but the cocky bastard thought we would give up so easily. Dumbass.

I shot the fucker in the head, but what I made sure to do was not kill him. I hit him underneath his eye and I'm so fucking proud of my aim. Now I can torture the fucker to death. I refused to give him an easy way out. I'll give him all the pain he gave my baby. He fucked with the wrong guy.

I sent the rest of my men home after the fight. Simmons and Finn made sure to take Crown with them and put him up in the basement for me. All I can do is think of what I'll do to him. Burn him? Slowly stab him everyday? Give him to dogs? Drag him behind my car? Or I could make it easy and curb stomp him until he-

"Still here, huh?" Remi's nurse from last time is over his case again. Steph has been a blessing in disguise. She gave me quite the lecture about the carelessness that led to Remi's second septic shock. Hell she hounded my ass! And what's surprising is that I let her. I took it all in and didn't fight back. I don't give a fuck, I just want my husband okay. I couldn't give her exact details on what happened but I'm pretty sure she put some of the pieces together. I'm well known here and I'm sure she has asked. But she has been constantly with Remi, making sure to update me on every single thing that happens to him. Every medication, highs and lows. I'm glad she can be in there when I can't.

"Never left," I yawn. "Is it morning or night?"

She chuckles, shaking her head. "Afternoon with storms."

"Huh, I can't even hear any thunder."

She walks over and sits next to me, stretching her legs out in front of her. "That's what is cruel about working here. It is all soundproof. You don't know unless you look out the window."

I nod, yawning again. "Anything to update?"

Steph gives me a sad smile and I instantly know it's not what I want to hear.

"He had another seizure at 8:45. That's why we can't allow you to visit just yet."

"Wow," I sigh. "How is it possible to have a seizure when he's in a coma?"

"You can, and he has had three so far. He went into organ failure and now his body is trying to heal itself. It looks scary but as long as he is cared for we will do what we can."


"Why don't you go home and rest?" Steph puts a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I've been telling him that too," James scoffs. Oh whatever fuck off.

"No, no. What if he wakes up and I'm gone? Or god forbid something happens... I can't. I'll stay here. James you can go home or to the hotel, I don't mind."

He huffs out. "You need to be rested for when Remi does get out of it. He can't have a starving tired husband to take care of right away."

"He's right," Steph laughs.

"Eat that burger and I'll go to the hotel and give you some alone time. But not until you eat it!" James crosses his arms and stares at me, challenging me. God I'm not in the mood for him. I roll my eyes and unwrap the thing, taking a small bite.


"Don't talk with your mouth full boss man."

I throw my phone at him and he dodges it, laughing.

"Alright you two hooligans I'm going back to check on your hubby. If he stabilizes you can visit him for another few hours."

I nod and she stands up, walking out of the waiting room. Any of the laughter I had dies down and it is replaced with my worrying.

"Austin was able to track down Perry," James reads the text on his phone. "He's back in Burbank. They must think you died or something."

"Idiot," I huff. "Have the men go on a look out on their runs. If he thinks I'm dead maybe we can use that to our advantage. Any news on Jonny or Ash?"

He shakes his head. "Still in hiding."

"Of course. They should know their judgement day is coming rather quick."

I finish the burger and stand up, walking to the trash can across the room. I hate to admit it but I do feel much better now that I have something in my stomach. Maybe I'll get a cuppa while I wait some more.

"Alright, I want to sleep on an actual bed. I'll be back. Text me if you need anything."

I nod and lean back on the chair. I guess I'll close my eyes for a few moments.

"Andy, Andy."

I jump a bit at the shaking on my shoulder. I blink quickly and realize Steph is in front of me.

"Huh, what's going on?"

"You can visit him now. I figured you would want me to wake you up, I'm sorry."

"No no," I yawn, stretching a bit. "I want to see him as much as possible."

She gives me a tight lipped smile and I follow her down the hall, the same room that I fear every time. I'm so scared I'll come in here and he's gone. I can't stand it.

Remi looks absolutely tiny on the bed. He has machines breathing for him and so many tubes and wires over him that I can't even comprehend what is going where. His skin is so pale and he looks close to death.

"Hey Remi," I sit down next to him, holding his limp hand. "I heard you got into some more trouble, giving Steph a scare," I chuckle. "You need to wake up soon so I can see those big beautiful eyes. I miss them."

He lays there motionless and I often wonder if he can even hear me. It's scary to even think about that he's trapped all alone in his body.

"When you get better, I'm taking you home and spoiling you rotten. Crow misses you, you know! I'm sure she was starting to like you more than me. But I'm going to take some time off and we will go on our honeymoon, how does that sound?"

His machines continue to beep, his eyes remain closed. It fucking breaks my heart.

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