|| Chapter Three ||

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First Meeting

After meeting Hayley, I made sure she was safe and then went back to the bayou, Chloe erased the girl's memories of me so she wouldn't be in danger. I felt terrible, she deserved to know, but she and her child were more important. I had to keep her child safe, it was a gut feeling.

When I got back to the bayou, Mary was waiting there with the info. She had been following Cami and this girl, named Davina, around all night. Klaus had been stalking them too and gotten Davina and this boy to meet up with him at the church. I guess he had threatened her. Knowing what Marcel had told me, I knew I couldn't go near Klaus. As much as I wanted to, I knew what would happen, something would go wrong.

Klaus threaten a child, I didn't know him yet but I already cared for him, too much. God, he was a psychopath, a sociopath, a maniac. This girl was pregnant with his child and he was going out of his own way to threaten another kid.

God, men confused me.

Mary also said that Klaus had fed the boy his blood, and that's not gonna over well. Apparently Marcel has Elijah, Klaus' brother locked away in the church attic, so that's why Klaus threatens Davina.

I had heard that Klaus was a monster but everyone called the wolves in the bayou monsters. We are outcasts. Maybe that is how Klaus feels. I got in my car after saying goodbye to Mary and Chloe. It was a bit of a drive to Eve's place. Eve never triggered her curse so she never turned. She cared for the wolves, laying out meats and other foods for them. She cared more than most people, raising kids of wolves who had turned, including Mary.

"Eve!" I yelled through the house.

"Over here, sweetie!" She was in the kitchen prepping food for the week. I ran into the kitchen and sat down at her table.

"You will not believe the week I have had Eve," I told her.

"What happened?" she asked as she continued what she was doing.

"Well I went to this fancy party and Marcel then threatened me the next day. I meet the pregnant wolf. Oh and my soulmate is an original," I sped and talked through the last sentence.

"Your What?!" She asked as she turned around

"Yeah, Klaus Mikaelson might be my soulmate,"

"What does that mean?!" She asked.

"I don't know yet, I was wondering if you knew anything about it?"

"Well, It is said that at the beginning of time, when humans were first created, they had a form different from that they have today. They were both men and women, had four arms, four legs, and a single head made of two faces.

There was a time when humans were very powerful creatures, fearless and strong, and even dared to threaten the Gods. They threatened to conquer them and rule in their stead, and become the new Gods. So Zeus came up with another solution. They would split the humans in half and punish them for their pride and hubris.

Apart from the pain that would cause them, they would also double the population of humans, hence doubling the tributes that had to be made to them by humans. And so they did and the humans everywhere split in two. Each one longed for its other half, and so they would throw their arms about each other, weaving themselves together, wanting to grow together." She explained.

"So what are you saying?" I asked.

"Soulmates long for each other, if Klaus Mikaelson knows to be, you could change who he is entire,"


The whole thing about Klaus scarred me. Could a man so evil have been "longing" for me, a girl 21-year-old werewolf student studying psychology? What about the girl in the room, who was she to him. And why did she look just like me?

This all came to mind as I walked to Rousseau's, Cami should be starting her shift soon and I wanted a drink. God this is what I was doing with my weekends. It's Sunday currently and I don't usually work. After getting back from the bayou last night, I went straight to bed. I kept waking up though.

The first time I woke up my balcony doorway was open, which I swear I had closed. The second time the wind was too loud and I was up for a while. "Hey babe," I spoke as I entered the bar.

"Hey Bells, what do you want?" she said back. I sat at the bar.

"Something fruity and strong," Just then a man walked in. Cami then walked away like I wasn't talking to her. I looked over and right as I did the man saw me, shit, shit, shit he's staring at me. It was Klaus. I could feel his eyes on me. Watching me sit there and "study".

Soon after the man and Cami walked back over to where I was sitting. As Cami went behind the bar she spoke, "Sorry Bells I'll go get you that drink" When she spoke it was in a monotone voice so I know something was wrong. Was this man mind-controlling her or whatever shit vampires do?

"I'm so sorry I haven't introduced myself. I am Klaus Mikaelson, I hear you and Cami are close friends," The man spoke.

"Well, you already know who I am so there is no point for introductions" I seethed. Just then Cami walked back over.

"So how do you guys know each other?" Cami asked.

"Arabella is a former friend," the man said.

"Yes, very former," I enunciated. Then there was a very very long silence.

"Well I should get back to work," Cami said. As she walked away, I turned to Klaus.

"Look 'Klaus'," I started, "I have no freaking idea who you are but I'm your freaking love-mate or some shit! I don't know? And look, you seem like a nice guy but it would've been great if I found that out from you and not the shady ass vampire, Marcel Gerard. Who guess what has now been stalking me!"

"Marcel has been doing what?" he asked.

"He came to my house yesterday and threatened me,"

"What did he say?" Klaus asked as he grabbed my arm.

"Blah, Blah, threatens to turn me permanently, blah, blah, wolf shit, blah blah, I'll hunt you down if you tell Klaus, blah blah" I explained in very minor detail. "I mean the audacity of some men!"

Klaus stood up still holding on to my arm and we left the bar to go outside. We kept walking for a while till we were at Marcel's compound. "Marcellus!" Klaus yelled.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"You've just been dragged into family drama Arabella," His eyes then flashed yellow.

QOOTD: What is your favorite episode in all of TVDU?
Mine: Season 1, Episode 8 - The River in Reverse

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