|| Chapter Six ||

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All I could think about was Mary. Was she okay? Why did Marcel take her? When we were kids, my mother would read us this poem about betrayal;

               I can't undo 
                      what I have done
                      I can't un-sing
                     a song that's sung

               and the saddest thing
                      about my regret -

               I can't forgive me 
                      and you can't forget

I loved the poem when I was a kid; but as I got older I often times thought about why my mother told me this poem. Mary had always been my best friend and she always will be. I didn't care who Marcel was to the Mikaelson family, I am going to kill him if he even laid a finger on her. 


I was sitting on a chair in the tomb. Kol's witchy tomb scared me, more than anything. But, the thought of losing Mary, my oldest friend, scared me a million times more. Chloe and Kol were talking about a plan to get into the compound without Kol getting "caught?". 

"What about Klaus?" I asked, "could he help me get into the compound? H-he's friend's with Marcel, I mean-?"

"It might, but Klaus cannot know that I'm alive, at all." Kol threaten me, "If he figures out I'm alive.. he'll kill me,"

"Kol, he's your brother, he cares for you, deep down," Chloe explained.  I could tell that Chloe and Kol had a strong relationship. She touched his arm as he took a breath out. 

"It might... might, work," Kol said. I could tell he was scared, terrified almost. He spoke again, "But, Klaus cannot know about me"

"I pinky promise," I said, sticking out my pinky, for him to shake. He was confused, "you wrap your finger around mine and we shake on it," Kol then tried it, but it didn't go very well. 

Over the next half hour, we spent strategizing about how I would find Klaus, how to convince him to let me into the compound, yatta yatta yatta. All the details. I would call Cami and have her come to the witch tomb and Kol would compel her to call Klaus, saying that she thinks that I was hurt because I wasn't answering my phone. Yes it was a risk, but it was one I was willing to take. I would go to the bayou and wait there for Klaus. I would tell him that Marcel took my friend and some rouge vamp attacked me (which wasn't completely a lie). Klaus would go after Marcel and I could get Mary. 


Everything was perfect, so I picked up my phone and called Cami, "Hey Cam!" I said as she answered.

"Aria! What's up?" She asked, it sounded like she had just woken up. I suddenly felt bad but I needed to help Mary. 

I continued, "Could you meet me at this location? Please don't ask questions, I just need your help taking pictures for my photography class?"

"I- um... sure. I'm on my way," she said, I then could here her talking to someone in the same room as her, "Hey, I have to go help a friend, I'll be back in a few hours"

"Okay- Thank you! See you soon!" I rushed my sentence to make it sound real. I then hung up before she could ask questions.

It was only a couple minutes before Cami arrived. When she did she seemed shocked that I wasn't... kidnapped. Suddenly, like according to plan, Kol speed out of the tomb and held on to Cami's shoulders. 

"Call Klaus Mikaelson, the man you meet at the party, and tell him that your friend, Arabella, isn't answering her phone. Tell him your scared she's been kidnapped. Your friend hasn't answered your calls since last night. She's gone missing. Go home and call Klaus." Cami went to her car and speed home. I got in mine with Kol and Chloe. 

"So that worked," Chloe said.

"But who know what kind of compulsion Nik has her under," Kol spoke. Something about Kol reminded me of his brother, Klaus ofcourse. They both seemed persistent and almost angry, Klaus more than Kol. But with Kol it was different. 

"Kol, earlier you talked about your brother, Henrik, how your gonna bring him back. How?" I asked as I rushed through the back roads to the bayou.

"My family has been through much hurt. Before I was born, my sister, Freya died of the plauge. My father grew farther away from my mother as the months passed. She, what you would say, slept, with Niklaus' father. Mikael thought Nik was his and then continued to produce children with my mother. I was next, then Rebekah, and then Henrik."

"So what does your family history have to do with anything?" I asked.

"Well, if I gather something from each of my siblings, and my parents, I think I will be able to bring him back with some help from a wolf in the bayou and the witches,"

"What do my people have to do with any of this?"

"I need the blood of all three species since they all run in my family. Vampire I can take from myself. Witch, I plan on taking from Marcel's minion Davina Claire, and wolf. Sweet girl, I plan on taking from you," 

A/N : Short chapter, I know but the next one will be longer. are you guys enjoying the book so far??? 

QOOTD: Least favorite TVDU character?

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