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I wake up, well, get up and shower, getting into my work outfit.

Now that I have spending money, I got myself looking good for work and just bought some cheap everything which could make some good outfits.

Today I was wearing a black long sleeve, a pair of black plaid trousers and some heels.

I go to the kitchen and eat breakfast where Rio is sitting and we just ignore one another.

He looks stressed.

"Long day?" I ask and he looks at me and pulls a face, just for a millisecond but I catch it.

"Anxiety. You're worried about something but are pretending not to be. Have fun with it." I finish my breakfast and put my stuff in the dishwasher.

I go to my room and grab my jacket and purse and go to my car, Rio's also leaving as well.

I get into my car and drive there. While I was working on my fellowship, I lived at an apartment closer to there because I wanted to make no mistakes because I wanted to be an ME and I worked my ass off for it.

In the end it worked, I was the only one out of the 6 of us who worked on our fellowship there to be offered the job role they were trying to fill.

The last piece of the puzzle was a mediolegal investigator and now they had the person they wanted in for the job so we were a full team.

I get a call and I answer it.

"Dr. Mistry? It's Tara." She says. "There's a body, if you're not already on your way in then you need to be."

"Don't worry, I'm already here." I say and get out of my car, scan my ID and get into the elevator and go up to the floor.

I sign in and go to my office.

Tara walks in.

"Before you go for the body, Dr. Scott would like you to meet the new MI." I shake my head.

"No. They can meet me in the autopsy room." Tara nods.

I get into my scrubs and am about to enter the autopsy room when I see Rio and Dr. Scott.

I walk into the autopsy room and am about to get started when they walk in.

"Missy, meet the new MI. Det-" I put my hand up to stop Dr. Scott.

"No introduction necessary." I say.

Dr. Kaif, another ME, and Dr. Shilling a doctor on fellowship seem confused.

"That's rude Missy." Dr. Scott says.

"I'm married to Orion, so there is really no need for introductions Jasper." I say and he doesn't get my point.

"You two are married?" Serena, Dr. Shilling, says.

"Yes and we have been for 7 years." Orion says.

"Okay, let's not gossip and instead get back to the issue at hand." I read the notes on the body.

"Jane Doe, approximately 45-50 years old with two shots to the head in different areas. Doctor, what is the aim as of right now." Serena gets the answer quickly.

"To idenitfy her and inform the family." She says.

"Yes, what can we already tell from the two shots to the head?" I say.

Easy question with an obvious answer but some people didn't even know the answer to this.

"It's a homicide. Somebody who shot themself would likely not be able to put two bullets in their own head as they would already be dead from the first shot and while they could maybe do it twice if it were in the same place, there's no way there could've been two shots to the head in different areas in which both were self inflicted." She says and I nod.

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