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Louana and Julia are sitting there, waiting for me when I get up.

They'd not left my side since I 'fell' into the pond.

I didn't want to say that I'd try to take my own life because I don't know what they'd think of me.

Louana was sobbing when she came to visit me first.

I don't know why. I didn't mean that much to her but then I realised, that I did.

I was unconscious but I could hear her.

"Artemis, please don't die on me. Julia, you and William are all I have left. I don't even have Orion anymore. He's detached from me and you are one of the only good people in his life right now. I've always admired you and even if you had decline the marriage offer, I'd still have payed for college because you deserve it. You deserve your life so you can be happy and I wished that I'd have seen how stupid I was to accept that stupid marriage proposal and if I could've afforded to breach it, I would've. I love you and I'm proud of you, so please stay." I started crying every time I thought of that.

I sit on my hospital bed. They wanted to monitor me for a couple more days before they sent me away.

The only reason someone identified me is because of my dog tags.

I'd left my phone and watch at home that day.

Maybe I wanted someone to rescue me.

I don't know why I did it. I shouldn't have been so reckless.

I hear a soft knock on my door and it's the nurse and William.

He smiles at me and I smile back.

He's definitely Rio's father in terms of looks but in terms of personality, no.

Rio and his mother are much more alike in that department.

His mother was slightly crazy but she was the only person in years who had told me they loved me. That meant the world to me.

I remember the last time someone said that they loved me. I was 11 and I was about to leave for university.

Rylan was upset to see me go.

Probably the sibling who loved me the most and then the one who hated me just as much as the rest.

I was mortified that I had disappointed him but I had that affect on everyone so when it came to him, I had just gotten used to it at that point.

He came downstairs, gave me a little teddy bear and a keychain and told me he loved me and that he'd miss me.

I cried the whole journey because leaving him was the hardest thing for me at the time.

He was the only person who I loved in the world, after I had gave up on trying to love my parents or Apollo but Lucaas, Maya, Kayden and Preston were still incredibly young so they didn't really know me at that point.

I look at my stuff, which Louana had brought for me and see the teddy bear.

I hold it and put it down.

I don't want anything to do with Rylan or anyone else in my family.

"You're free to go Ms. Mistry." The nurse days after she examines me.

"Dr. Mistry." William says and she nods.

"Sorry Dr." She leaves.

I get up and put on my shoes and William helps me put my coat on.

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