Chapter 2: Stumbling Steps

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A/N: Okay, I know it's only been a day since I posted this story, but it's already getting a fair amount of attention. You guys seem to really like this concept. The pacing should be a little fast during Link's childhood, but it'll slow down when he's older. For now, sit back and enjoy the cute. Anyone who has read my stories before will attest that the fluff won't last long. :3 This is your warning.

Wattpad A/N: Okay, so I've just realized I've got several LU stories not posted on this site, so I'm adding it here (they've been up on Ao3, though). Sorry in advance.


As expected, Urbosa's council was not happy about Link. The general populace was fine with it, so long as he was raised as one of them, but the council was stuck in their ways. Urbosa ended up fighting six people in Honor Duels before they finally conceded defeat.

Link, on the other hand, would not have anyone but Urbosa holding him, and he loved to be held. As such, she'd contacted her good friend Yevette for advice. She knew the other woman had plenty of acquaintances who had small children of their own. And while it had been a great relief that Link could cry, the fact that he cried whenever she set him down for a second was driving the new mother up the wall.

Urbosa sat back against the couch with an exhausted sigh. Link had finally settled down for a nap. "Ruja... could you please bring me something to drink?"

"I've got a bottle of Death Mountain Whisky with your name on it." She smiled softly.

"Should you really be breaking out the alcohol at this hour?" Typhir frowned.

"I've got some food, if you'd like it, Lady Urbosa?" Linae offered, setting down a plate before her with some sandwiches and a glass of water. "You should eat something. I don't think you have since breakfast."

She blinked up at the young warrior from her position on the couch. "Thank you." She smiled. "You know... Typhir... Linae... there's something I'd like to ask of you."

The two warriors turned their full attention towards Urbosa, who hid a smirk with a bite of the sandwich. She watched them squirm a little as she chewed, before finally washing it down with the cool water. "I'd like to ask you two to become Link's personal guards."

They stiffened in surprise. Urbosa could understand why. It was as massive a commitment as it was an honor. Leaders of the Gerudo typically had one to three personal guards who protected them all their lives. Urbosa, personally, had known Ruja since they were both children. And while it was unusual for her to ask someone like Typhir—who was well into her thirties—to protect someone as young as Link, someone like Linae was young enough to stay with Link for most of his life, if not all of it.

After all, Gerudo were a warrior race. They hardly ever lived long enough to die of natural causes like old age. Indeed, most didn't live to see their sixties. Urbosa knew of less than thirty people who had earned the title of 'elder'. That is, someone who made it to or beyond the age of seventy.

Urbosa turned her full attention back to the two warriors she'd just asked to protect her son. "It would be an honor." Typhir responded with a slight upturn of her lips.

"O-of course!!" Linae squeaked out, obviously excited. "I... It's such an honor, Lady Urbosa, and—"

"Please. Just Urbosa, here." She smirked. "It gets tiring hearing 'lady' all the time, I really don't want to hear it in my own home."

"As you wish, La– er... Urbosa." Linae corrected herself.

Urbosa was about to say something when a knock made her jump. She listened intently for a moment, worried about Link being awoken, but it seemed the child was sound asleep. "I swear to Din, if this idiot wakes him up, they will face the full fury of my wrath." She rubbed her fingers together, creating little sparks of electricity.

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