Chapter 9: Explorative Expedition

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A/N: Hello everyone! It's been... uh, way too long. Sorry about that! This chapter was a monster to wrangle into being, but maybe that's because it's so fluffy??? I think? Lots of small children. I really can't wait until they're a bit older—it'll be easier to write them. Haha...


Yevette laughed softly as her daughter looked out the window of their carriage with an excited grin. "Mum! When are we going to get there?!"

"We're almost there, my little bird." The Queen pulled her daughter into her lap. "And this time they've uncovered what looks like a complete shrine."

"Really!?" The young girl of nearly three bounced excitedly in her seat. "I can't wait!"

Yevette had been beyond concerned when she'd received a written missive from her friend Urbosa regarding Link's kidnapping. She could only imagine the turmoil and fear that the Gerudo Chieftess had felt. Even some of the handwriting in the letter had been shaky—whether that was with anger or something else, Yevette wasn't sure. What she did know was that she was due to visit her friend quite soon. After something as traumatic as that, Urbosa needed someone to talk to that was a little more removed from the situation.

She would have to make plans to visit within the week. For now, however, she'd allowed her own paranoia to expand the normal guard around herself and her daughter to something that'd caused her husband to raise a brow in her direction. Not that the queen cared, mind. Her daughter's safety was her utmost priority. She would face down a dragon if it meant her little bird would be safe. And after the situation with Link...

Well, it was only the incessant begging of Zelda that'd convinced Yevette to let her come along on this trip. Her daughter seemed to have just as much passion for ancient ruins as Yevette herself. The queen couldn't have been more delighted.

"Can we bring Terr'ko with us to see Link?" Zelda looked up at her with bright green eyes as she clutched the tiny Guardian they'd built together. It wasn't active yet—they were still missing some pieces—but Yevette had hope that they could get the little guy working soon.

"Terrako." She corrected with a smile. "And we can only bring him along when we get the parts to finish him."

"But mum!" Zelda pouted. "I wanna show Link!"

"And you can. When he's finished." She chuckled warmly as the carriage slowed to a stop. One of the guards—Iris, the newly promoted Vice Captain of the Royal Guard—opened the door.

"Your Highness." Iris bowed. "We have arrived at our destination. The preliminary checks have shown no signs of enemies, and we've set up a perimeter around the area."

Yevette carefully scooped her daughter up into her arms, fixing the Goddess Blue dress the little princess was wearing today, complete with a pair of light pants. Her golden curls were held back by a matching blue ribbon, letting her gentle curls fall down her back like a little waterfall.

The Queen herself was wearing her field outfit—a form-fitting pair of pants and shirt overtop some very carefully woven and magically enchanted armor that was softer than silk. Her own golden hair was pulled back into a delicate braid to keep it out of her way as she explored the ruins. Though she had a feeling she wouldn't be exploring much with her daughter present—Zelda didn't have the ability to go a full day out and about without falling asleep just yet.

"Mum! Mum! Look! Is that the Shrine?!" Zelda was bouncing all around, and the only thing that kept her from running off was Yevette's hand. She mentally sighed, wondering if she should ask the royal tailor to create a harness and leash for her child, lest she run off. The thought had her smirking in amusement.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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