Chapter 5: Vacations

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A/N: Wow! It's been a bit. Sorry for the nearly 6 months of silence. ^^; I'm getting excited for this story again, so please look forward for more (and possible angst in the future). If you know my friend on Discord, Angel, give her a shout out because I originally added Linae into this story for the sole purpose of killing her off, but... I kinda like her, now. And Angel managed to convince me not to do that. :) [It would've been next chapter, but bad stuff will still happen so keep your eyes open].

At any rate, I also belatedly realized I have no cover art for this story (probably because it's only posted on Ao3), so if anyone wants to take a whack at it, go for it (but maybe wait until you know who Nabooru is in this story, because she's a MAJOR part of it). Anyhow, fanart is always welcome. You can send it to or just hmu on Discord.

Also also, I've started writing original content. One day (hopefully in the near future, depends on when I finish it) I hope to publish it, too. When that happens, please support me and buy a copy! :D


Linae gave a content sigh as she held her cup of tea in both hands, the warmth prickled against her chilled fingers. She snuggled a little further into her cloak, nodding a greeting to Typhir as she came down the stairs.

"You're up early." Her mentor hummed, taking a seat beside her.

"I got a letter from my sister last night, and I couldn't really sleep." Linae explained, setting the letter on the table. Typhir glanced over it, aqua eyes widening in surprise.

"A wedding invitation?"

"That's right." Linae gave a soft smile. "Hinra, my elder sister, knows I can't attend because of my duties, but she sent one anyways. She's thoughtful like that."

"A family wedding is no small matter." Typhir frowned. "I'm sure Lady Urbosa would be fine with you taking a few days to attend."

Linae jolted a bit, the thought of asking for time off had never once occurred to her. "I... But what about the Little Prince?"

"I'm his guard, too." Typhir reminded her. "Besides, he'll be safe with Lady Urbosa." There was a moment of quiet where Linae shifted uncomfortably. "If you'd like to, that is. I know you don't really get along with..."

She chewed her bottom lip. "I... I may not see eye to eye with her, but I miss my sisters and my father."

"Then go." Typhir smiled softly. "And don't worry about the Little Prince, he'll be in good hands."

"Indeed he will." The voice made the two whirl about to find Lady Urbosa walking into the room, Ruja trailing behind her with an amused air. "Your vacation time is granted. You haven't seen your family in a long time, Linae. Take a week to go visit them, if you'd like."

"A whole week?" Linae echoed. "I... that's far too much time, milady!"

"Then come back early if that's what you wish." Urbosa chuckled, waving her hand as she took a seat at the counter. Ruja went about gathering supplies for breakfast as they conversed. "Either way, it's as Typhir said, a wedding is an important matter, but so is spending time with your family. You're so young, I forget you may not know some of these things, but as a Chief's Guard, you can take up to two weeks off a year—or more if you have something important to tend to, like a family birth or wedding."

Linae took a sip of her tea as she processed this. She'd had no idea she could take so much time off. Perhaps she should go, after all... She hadn't seen her sister in years. "Thank you, milady."

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