Chapter 4: Baking Bread

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A/N: It's been awhile since I've posted anything at all, but that's partially because I've been unable to unlock my muse. Work's been hectic, and we're very short-staffed at the moment, meaning I have been pulling a lot of overtime. Also, my muse has decided to focus on Harry Potter, for some reason, and the gods of several different pantheons. Whoops. But it's rained today! So I've managed to write this in about two hours. Sorry it isn't much, and it hasn't really been edited, but enjoy the adorableness that is a not-quite-two-year-old Link and his momma Urbosa. :3

Also, Linae is best babysitter/guard, fite me. (And I have sort of forgotten if I made Typhir one of his guards, too, so uh.... yeah. I think she just kinda hangs around because she's essentially the head of the Gerudo Army? Forgive me my horrid memory.


Urbosa smiled softly as Link jumped at the first clap of thunder. His large grin said it all as the thirteen month old grabbed Urbosa's hand. "Mommy! Storm!"

She quickly scooped her son up into her arms and headed outside as Linae, Ruja and Typhir sent one another knowing smiles. Rain was pouring down in sheets and people were placing sacks of sand to barrier their homes against floods. Link's grin grew as lightning streaked across the sky, the rumble of thunder shaking the very foundations of their city.

Link loved thunderstorms. The first time he saw his mother summon lightning, he became enraptured with the concept of learning it himself.

Urbosa hid her laughter as Link shook his little fist in an imitation of her own finger snaps. He frowned a bit, looking between his fist and the sky before trying it again. It just so happened to time itself with a flash of lightning, and his excited squeal was almost drowned out by the clap of thunder. He looked up at her with the most exalted expression she'd seen, and she didn't have the heart to tell him it was just coincidence.

He giggled as he stepped out from under the overhang of the palace, large droplets of heavy rain soaking him within a minute. Urbosa mentally sighed and resigned herself to giving him a nice hot bath once he was done playing in the rain. Link was truly a child of the desert.

Urbosa stepped out into the rain as well. If Din had seen fit to send the rain to her people, then it was a reason to celebrate. Any water in a place like the Gerudo Desert was a gift, and the sight of so many people out in the streets with large grins was only further proof of this mindset.

"Come along, Link." Urbosa held out her hand to him, and the little prince didn't hesitate in taking it. "Let us help our people prepare for the flood."

"Flood?" He questioned.

"When it rains like this, it becomes too much for the sands to drink." Typhir explained with a gentle smile. "It would be bad if the water washed everyone away."

Link frowned, his face scrunching up in an adorable mixture of thought and confusion. "So... rain bad?"

"No, the rain is a gift." Linae quickly jumped in. "It's a wonderful gift from Din and Farore, but we must be careful."

"Even the most wonderful and innocent of gifts can become a burden under the proper circumstances." Urbosa hummed as they made their way down into the market. Link was getting very good at traversing the uneven cobblestone paths of the city, but the rain was making it slick.

Linae seemed to notice this and, with a nod from Urbosa, she lifted Link into her arms. "Auntie Nae!" Link pouted.

"You can watch your mother and Auntie Typhir and Ruja help with the sand." She smiled down at the adorable prince in her arms.

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