Chapter 6: The Oasis

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A/N: Hello everyone. Welcome back. Innocent though this chapter may seem, there is always a calm before the storm. Sorry it's taken so long to get this out, I was hoping to update it sooner. :) We get a little more worldbuilding here, and some cultural things about the Gerudo are delved into. ^^ I also wanna give the LU Discord a shout out for keeping my motivation up. Thanks guys!

Any fanart can be sent to or DMed to me on Discord (or just pinged if you're on the LU Discord).

I'm going to try to push out these chapters so we can hit the plot. I'm very excited for Nabooru when she comes into this, and Link's got one hell of an adventure coming his way. For now, though, just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Speaking of rides, I've created some camels for this story. They are carnivores. I hope I wrote out their descriptions well enough. :Wild_Laugh:


Typhir had known Linae since she was a child. In many ways, she thought of the young woman as a daughter. So when Linae started off the morning by making breakfast—something normally left to Ruja—she knew something was up.

"Well now, this is a bit of a surprise." Urbosa commented as she came down the stairs, the two-year-old prince on her hip. The moment he saw Linae, he squirmed to be set down, and his mother obliged with a knowing smile.

"Auntie Nae!" Link attached himself to her leg without a moment's hesitation, earning a chuckle from Typhir. The Little Prince had been glued to Linae since she'd returned home from her trip nearly a month ago.

"I was up early and decided to get started on breakfast." Linae explained as she expertly set Link upon her hip. The young boy insisted on helping her with whatever he could reach, and Linae was careful to keep away from anything hot.

"What's the occasion?" Typhir asked, leaning casually on a fist. The only times she could recall Linae being up before her involved either a really nasty mood, or a joyous occasion. Since Linae didn't look overly bothered, it seemed to be the latter.

Linae turned to give Typhir a devious grin as she set Link in his highchair, earning a pout from the boy. Without a moment's hesitation, she whipped out her knife and stuck it in the table before Typhir, startling all the women present.

"Wha...?" Ruja stared between the two of them, perplexed. Even Urbosa seemed mildly concerned.

Linae gave a large grin. "Lady Typhir. It's been about seven years since we met, you know." Typhir's eyes widened in realization. "Don't you think I've earned the right to a rematch?"

Typhir let out a laugh. "Your Coming of Age. How could I have forgotten?"

"Wait, already?!" Ruja startled. "When was your birthday?"

"November 23. I'm seventeen already." She rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.

"A Sword Dance." Urbosa hummed, a gleeful spark to her eye. "Well, Typhir? You haven't answered."

Typhir picked up the blade with a twirl. "All right, brat. We'll dance before lunch. Let's see if you've graduated from this apprenticeship."

Linae laughed as she served up the breakfast. They both knew she'd long since graduated. The moment she'd made captain at thirteen Typhir had started treating her more as an equal than an apprentice. It was why she'd agreed to double-team the lynel with her as a celebration of her promotion to captain at thirteen.

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