The long day

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*Jensens POV*

I got home from the set early today. We only needed to film a couple of scenes, and luckily for me we made it with only a couple of takes. Jared had asked me to go to the pub with him and Gen later today, and I had said yes to go with them. And quite frankly,a few beers would only do me good. It had been a long week, and i had spent 12hours a day at the set, except for today.

We usually finished early on Fridays, so I was quite happy that it was that day today.
Jared plays with me on supernatural, and since the first day we met, I knew we would become good mates, and I was right about that.

I got home and went straight to the bathroom. I put the water on in the shower, while I read a message I had got from Jared on my phone.

"Jared : We'll pick you up in 2 hours. We'll grab summat to eat and then head to the pub. That ok with u man?"
"Me: Sure bud, I'll be ready."

I put my phone down and went to the shower. It was always so good to have showers straight after work. Seeing as we sometimes had to crawl through mud, have fake blood on us and god knows what else we had to go through.

1 hour later I was dressed and all ready to go out. I decided to pop a beer at home while waiting for jared.

*My POV*

I had already been up for a couple of hours. I woke up today to my phone ringing. It was Jack giving me instructions as to where exactly I was ment to play today and at what time he wanted me to be there. I had about 1 hour on me to get ready until I had to go to the pub and get ready to play.

I put some fundation on before I did my mascara and eyeliner. I always left the worst part to the end, and that was my hair. I had longish hair and it was blondish with some brown highlights in it.

My hair was that kind of hair that never wanted to cooperate with me. Honestly, if I don't do anything with my hair I look like a human-sheep, which you can imagine isn't the best way to look.

When I was done with my hair & makeup I put my boss perfume on and then went to my wardrobe to have a look at which outfit to wear today. After a lot of trying-different-outfits, I ended up wearing a black skirt, and a white top that made a perfect match with the jewls I had on.

I picked up my guitar, then locked the door and went outside. The pub was only a 10 minutes walk from where I lived, so it didn't take me long to get there.
As soon as I entered the pub I saw Jack sitting at the bar with an older guy. He smiled at me when he saw me, then waved at me to get over to them.

"Hi Charlotte. This is my brother, Toby. I have told him all about you, but he apperead to have already watched some of your youtube videos" Jack said, while he was pointing at this brother.

Toby smiled and looked at me. " It's nice to meet you Charlotte, and thank you so much for saying yes to play here today. People always love to hear some live music, so this is good for my pub" he smiled again, but this time it was more of a very-happy and greatful smile.

I smiled back at him and said "It's nice to meet you too, and i'm very excited about playing here this evening, no need to thank me at all".

Toby gave me a tour around the pub, just so i got to see everything. There was already quite a few people here, but they all seemed to be nice.
I went to the stage and plugged in my guitar. I did some vocaltesting and then started testing the guitar, then both guitar and vocal. It all seemed to be working as it should.

*Jensens POV*

We were now sitting at some local resturant down at the main street. There had already been a few fans walking up to our table to ask for pictures and autographs.

Usually none of us would mind to take pics with fans, but when we were having dinner at resturants, it would be nice to be able to eat our dinner without getting interrupted every 10 minutes.

It was only me and Jared at the resturant. His wife Gen had to ditch us because one of their kids got sick, so she decided to stay home with them instead of going out.

"Jenses, when are you gonna start dating again? If whatever you do with the ladies could be called dating" Jared said, while he was letting out a little laugh.

I knew that subject would come up at some time during this evening, but i actually thought it would take a little longer until it came up.

I looked back at him with a slightly I-hate-you look.
"Err I don't know man. I don't want to be with any girls. Girls means drama and drama is not my cup of tea. Besides, I haven't been in love in ages, and I can't see that happening again anytime soon, so please leave it".

Jared seemed to get the point. He knew I wasn't the type to talk about feelings, and he was well aware of the fact that I most likely wouldn't fall for anyone anytime soon, seeing as all I did was spending my time at work, or at the gym. I usually didn't go out very often, due to my work taking up almost all my time these days.

After spending one too many hours at the resturant we decided to go to our local pub to get a few beers. Our friend Toby owned that pub, so he always appreciaded when we visited him for beers.

*My POV*

I was now on stage doing what I love the most. There was a lot of people here now, and they all seemed to have a really great time.
Toby had said to me that it had never been this many people here at the pub on a Friday evening before, so he was pleased.

After I finished singing one of my self-written songs, I decided to let the audience decide what I should play next. I asked if anyone had a song they wanted me to play, and everyone started shouting out different names.

While the audience was arguing about which song they wanted me to play, I noticed the pubdoor open. A man with shortish brown hair and an amazing body walked in with another man who had quite long hair. They both looked quite nice to be quite honest.
I could feel me eyes meeting the eyes to the man with the shorter hair.

After staring for probably too long at this guy, I could again hear the people shouting. Apparently they had decided that they wanted me to play Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls.
Luckily for me i knew the lyrics of that song, and the chords were some basic ones, so that was easy. I did th intro of the song and then I started singing. "And i'd give up forever to touch you, cause I know that you feel me somehow...."

*Jensens POV*

As soon as I came in I noticed all the people at the bar shouting out different song-titles, but I kind of ignored it. We went to the bar to order something to drink.
"I'll have a beer, please" I said to the man behind the bardesk.
"And I'll have a beer too, Jared said.

Jared poked me and looked surprised. "Man, I don't think I've ever seen this many people here before. I mean, look around! Every single table is taken"
I did as Jared told me, and I had a quick look around at different directions. I noticed a drunk man dancing on a table, but he wasn't dancing there for long. It didn't take the security guards too long to kick him out of the place. Anyhow, Jared was right. There was people everywhere.

Suddenly I noticed this amazing voice from the stage. It was singing one of the most amazing songs of all times. I turned my head to the stage, and I saw this beautiful girl standing there playing guitar and singing. 'How the hell did I not see her or notice her on stage as soon as I got here?!' I asked myself, just so no one else could hear me.

"Dude, stop drooling! Or atleast stop staring like that. Could you be more obvious?" Jared said, while he was laughing at me.
I didn't even notice myself staring at her. Atleast I didn't think I had made it that obvious, but apparently I did.

"Man, look at her, listen to her voice! Who the hell is she? I've never seen her before" I looked at Jared while i half-shouted that out in excitment.
What I didn't realize was that I said it a bit too loud, and Toby walked up next to me and replied: "That's Charlotte. She just moved here from Norway, and my brother is now her new manager. They are now working together".

Wow I thought to myself. A Norwegian girl, that's awesome. I could feel my smile growing bigger and bigger, until it was imposible to grow any bigger.

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